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Tips and Tricks

SEO for Agents By now, you probably know that your website is one of your most powerful marketing tools. It provides your customers with key information, it communicates your brand, and it can even generate leads. None of these benefits can be realized though if no one is able to find your website. Search engine optimization (SEO) matters […]
MoxiWorks [Watch] The Inventory Shortage w/ York Baur and Matthew Ferrara     It’s been a topic in the news for months, but, is there really an inventory shortage?   And, if so, what can brokers and their agents do to right the ship?   Well, we are thrilled to have a special edition conversation from our resident armchair experts York Baur, MoxiWorks CEO and Matthew […]
Client Spotlight Agents with Moxi: Blythe Thimsen, “A Cut Above the Rest!” Agents see success when they have technology they actually want to use. So, how do you choose? When you’re on the hunt for a good restaurant, who do you trust more? The restaurant saying how good they are, or your best friend boasting about their appetizers and atmosphere? We’d choose your best friend, and so […]
MoxiWorks Understand more. Fear less: Real Estate and the Coronavirus   Real estate leaders, what do we do now? It’s a wave we have to ride out, but we don’t have to do it alone. Every industry is being driven into mass-tech-adoption at a rapid speed due to social distancing and isolation. Real estate is no exception, but the key difference is we’re already able […]
Tips and Tricks Real Estate Presentation: 16 Ways to Use MoxiPresent By Tiana Baur, Marketing Manager   The word “iconic” is defined by Merriam-Webster as: “widely recognized and well-established” or “widely known and acknowledged especially for distinctive excellence.” Based off the fact that over 130,000 agents nationwide use MoxiPresent (a powerful tool for creating any real estate presentation) and on average, agents who use it enjoy 43% […]
How to Get Better Real Estate Listing Photos By Jessie Trapp, Marketing Coordinator    You know the golden rule “don’t judge a book by its cover?” By the looks of it, the world of real estate definitely missed that memo. The culture surrounding buying and selling homes closely resembles that of Beverly Hills, and with 51 percent of buyers purchasing a home that […]
Tips and Tricks Repeat Business: 10 Tips That Keep Clients Coming Back By Maddie Jostol, Senior Marketing Manager   Repeat and referral business is the heart of your business, which means every real estate agent should be thinking about how they can keep clients coming back time and time again. Referrals convert at a significantly higher rate than cold purchased leads, so nurturing everyone in your database […]
25 Tips for Winning Real Estate Listing Presentations By Jessie Trapp, Marketing Coordinator  Coffee snob or not, I bet you’d admit there isn’t really that much fundamentally different between the offering of your favorite local coffee shop and that of the Starbucks around the corner. You can count on them both having coffee, tea, a selection of cookies, and maybe even a croissant […]
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Real Estate Marketing Real Estate Facebook Best Practices 2019: Part 2 By Jessie Trapp, Marketing Coordinator  We’ve all been there – you share a post on Facebook one day and it generates tons of likes, comments, and shares, yet the very next day your next update gets zero engagement across the board. It’s incredibly confusing and frustrating, so much so that it can be tempting to […]
4 Tricks for Achieving Your Real Estate Goals By Tiana Baur, Marketing Manager Motivation is hard to build in insolation. Only the extremely driven and ambitious people are able to perfect it and keep the fire burning over long periods of time. In reality, most of us don’t feel motivated all of the time and you know what? That’s OK. Motivation, like other […]
Real Estate Marketing Real Estate Facebook Best Practices 2019 – Part 1 By Jessie Trapp, Marketing Coordinator    Changes to the Facebook algorithm tend to throw users of all types through a loop: brands, businesses, friends, and nowadays, probably even the tech-savvy grandma. You work hard to fine-tune your social media strategy to drive the highest performance possible for your posts, yet it can be tricky to […]
Real Estate Marketing Real Estate Busy Season: How to Knock It out of the Park By Maddie Jostol, Senior Marketing Manager  It’s go-time. Yes, we’re talking about the real estate busy season. It’s the time of year when listings ramp up, and real estate agents buckle up for an increase in inventory, clients, and closed deals. May, June, July, and August are the heaviest home-selling months in the US, accounting […]
Mobile Tools This World-Class CMA Tool Is EVEN Better with Buyer Tours By Tiana Baur, Marketing Manager If you’re an real estate agent, chances are you’ve been on more home tours with potential buyers than you can count. Each time you embark on a tour, you have a list of all the homes you’d like to show. Maybe you have them all printed off so can take […]
Tips and Tricks A Brutally Honest Look at Real Estate Safety By Tiana Baur, Marketing Manager You know that feeling? The feeling where your skin is practically crawling, and your hair is standing up on the back your neck. The feeling of being scared for your life. The feeling where you know the decisions you make in that very moment could have dire implications. I’ve felt […]
3 Trendy Real Estate Closing Gifts Your Clients Will Love By Maddie Jostol, Senior Marketing Manager The most important thing you can do for your business is to nurture your sphere of influence to grow repeat and referral business. This is hands down the best source of business in real estate, and it’s right there at your fingertips. Rather than letting those valuable contacts in […]
Real Estate Resolutions: Checking up on Your Goals By Jessie Trapp, Marketing Coordinator    Is it just us, or did the entire month of February feel like it lasted a total of one, single hour? The first quarter of 2019 has been a whirlwind, and its upcoming conclusion means it’s time to check in on your progress towards the goals and real estate […]
The Best Instagram Advertising Hacks By Jessie Trapp, Marketing Coordinator Facebook is an essential part of any modern business’ content marketing strategy, everyone knows that – it’s why we created an entire product, Promote, dedicated to making advertising on it a breeze. However, there’s now another social media powerhouse that’s completely changing the advertising strategy, and you bet we’re stepping […]
Tips and Tricks 5 of Our Favorite Real Estate Podcasts By Jessie Trapp, Marketing Coordinator  With the busy bee lifestyle that comes along with being a real estate agent, it can be tricky to find the time to sit down and soak in the wisdom of the industry’s top producers. The nature of your gig makes it even more essential that your educational content can […]
How to Create Top Notch Real Estate Flyers By Maddie Jostol, Senior Marketing Manager In the world of real estate, flyers can be a necessary evil. They take time to create, maintain, and distribute, and it’s tough to set yours apart from the rest. After all, it’s just a flyer. How do you make them stand out? How can you make sure creating […]
Is Cold Calling Coming to an End for Real Estate Agents? By Jessie Trapp, Marketing Coordinator  There are two types of real estate agents out there: Agents that like cold calling. Agents that don’t. Along with the stair stepper and brussels sprouts, cold calling is simply one of those things that people either love or hate. And, unfortunately for those who are fans of cold calling […]