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May 28, 2019

4 Tricks for Achieving Your Real Estate Goals

By Tiana Baur, Marketing Manager

real estate goalsMotivation is hard to build in insolation. Only the extremely driven and ambitious people are able to perfect it and keep the fire burning over long periods of time. In reality, most of us don’t feel motivated all of the time and you know what? That’s OK. Motivation, like other feelings, comes in ebbs and flows and because of that, we need to act when we’re feeling it.

The keys to staying motivated when it comes to your real estate goals.

I could really go on and on about the importance of setting and writing down goals, but you already know that – that’s the easy part. The hard part is actually achieving them and taking the million steps to get there. Remember, Rome wasn’t built in a day. Neither was Amazon, Starbucks, or the empire that is Fredrik Eklund. So, without further ado, here are a handful of tips to keep you on the path to success when it comes to achieving your real estate goals.

1. Make sure they’re YOUR goals.

It’s hard to stay motivated regardless, but it will be downright impossible to achieve goals that you don’t want deep down. Make sure you are the one in control of where your business life is leading. At the end of the day it’s up to you to see it through, so don’t let others force you into goals that don’t align with your own.

2. Let go of what you can’t control.

Whether it’s a tough-to-handle coworker, particularly frustrating client, or home inspection gone wrong, don’t let these get to you and affect your daily life. As humans, we only have so much brainpower and only so much energy to care about things. If you’re putting all of that brainpower and energy into mulling over things again and again in your head, how is that helping you achieve your real estate goals? What energy are you taking away from your productivity and putting towards something you have no control over? Not only is this an unhealthy business practice, but it’s an unhealthy life practice.

Sometimes all we can do is try our very best and move on. That’s the important piece: moving forward despite obstacles. If you haven’t read this particular book, it dives deep into this topic, and I very much recommend it.

3. Reward yourself (within reason) for progress made.

I had this roommate in college. She used to do something that I thought to be pretty silly while studying, but looking back on it, maybe she was onto something. As a student of the sciences, she had tons of reading material and studying to get through. The textbooks were massive and to reward herself for finishing a page, she’d put a skittle or M&M at the bottom of it. See I told you, strange, right? But it worked for her.

Now, I’m not saying you play with candy at work, but I am saying rewarding yourself is an important piece to motivation. Here are some ideas that come to mind:
– Treat yourself to your favorite restaurant when you’re 25%, 50%, and 75% towards your GCI goal
– Win a new client? Go buy yourself that extra sugary drink from Starbucks that you normally feel guilty about
– After a big home closing, take a day off to rest and reset

4. It’s about bite-sized chunks.

You can’t keep envisioning all of the work you have to do in order to achieve your goal, it will drive you insane. Or, to the Valley of Despair, which is very much a real thing. Essentially, the Valley of Despair is where you find yourself once you realize all of the work, blood, sweat, and tears that it will take to achieve your goal – it’s the bottom of an inverted bell curve. You can also think of it as your fork in the road: either keep going or quit now.

The way to push through is to ignore the momentous amount of work ahead and instead focus on what you have to do today, and maybe tomorrow, in order to push through and continue climbing. If you do that, your mindset will shift, and you’ll be able to continue chipping away at your real estate goals until you achieve them.

I sincerely hope these tips help, or if nothing else, allow you to think outside the box a little bit in what is going to help you stay motivated and keep going when the going gets tough. Your real estate goals may seem lofty at times, but they’re definitely achievable! If you’d like other tips for your real estate business, checkout our blog here.