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Client SpotlightTips and Tricks July 23, 2020

Agents with Moxi: Blythe Thimsen, “A Cut Above the Rest!”

Agents see success when they have technology they actually want to use.

So, how do you choose?

When you’re on the hunt for a good restaurant, who do you trust more? The restaurant saying how good they are, or your best friend boasting about their appetizers and atmosphere? We’d choose your best friend, and so should you! Which is why we let the agents do the talking, after all, these tools were made for them.


Blythe Thimsen, REALTOR® at Windermere Real Estate has stepped up her game with MoxiWorks’ tools.

From Blythe Thimsen:
“Last week I sent out my first two property reviews through Present, and I included personalized client videos for each presentation, and I emailed them out with ‘Happy Housiversary’ messages. I just got this message back from clients for whom I sold their house last May and helped them buy a house in June.

“Wow. Blown away by your presentation of our home. Even better, it looks like we’re up $50k without even discussing all the improvements we’ve made. This puts you ‘A cut above all the other love-em-and-leave-em Realtors I’ve ever met.’ You’re the best!”

It made me feel good to know they were so happy with the information I was able to provide them. These reviews set you apart, and this is the real-world evidence to back up that theory. I am really embracing the MoxiPresent format for real estate reviews, and the campaigns that can be sent through Engage. I like learning about all that I can do with it.”


We’re ecstatic for Blythe and the outcome she’s received from her hard work with the help of MoxiPresent and MoxiEngage. MoxiPresent was built to be more than your average CMA tool, it’s connected to your live MLS feed and pumped up with capabilities to maximize your presentation. It’s the #1 presentation tool on the market. Not only is it simple and easy to use, the output is fully responsive. Agents’ presentations are not only going to adapt to reflect updated market data automatically, they’ll look beautiful while doing so.

We built our products so that agents will win more business, agents like Windermere‘s Blythe Thimsen, who is successfully doing just that! Here’s more information on MoxiPresent, and the capabilities it has beyond just a CMA tool.


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