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Tips and Tricks

Tips and Tricks How to Remain Authentic as a Real Estate Agent By Tiana Baur, Content Marketing Manager With constant societal pressures, staying genuine and truly being ourselves can feel like a struggle (especially depending on your office or company culture). And yet, those that know how to remain authentic are often the ones that stand out and succeed, in both their professional and personal lives. Here are […]
Using Emotion in Your Real Estate Marketing Strategy By Jessie Trapp, Marketing Coordinator  The drive that leads us to buy a Coke over a Pepsi or a Toyota as opposed to a Honda can be summed up in one single word: emotion. Not only do emotions influence our choices, but it has been found that consumers often place a higher value on emotions […]
How to Use Data to Deliver the Best Customer Service By Maddie Jostol, Senior Marketing Manager The customer service that you provide to your clients is what sets you apart during, and long after, a transaction. Consumer expectations are rising, which means that real estate agents are pressured to adopt new ways of delivering on these expectations. Think about how you could make the home […]
Sphere Marketing 4 Efficient Ways to Organize Client Contacts By Maddie Jostol, Senior Marketing Manager Your database of contacts is only as good as the data you put in. It is absolutely vital for real estate agents to keep their database up-to-date, complete, and well segmented in order to get full value out of it. Segmentation enables you to group your contacts based on […]
How to Take Real Estate Pics Like the Pros By Jessie Trapp, Marketing Coordinator  Excuse the cliché analogy, but photography really is the jelly to your content’s peanut butter. Without it, your online presence would be dry and subpar at best.  With real estate being as dependent on visuals as it is, you’re practically expected to be a professional photographer (or at least be […]
5 Tips for Clients Who Are Downsizing By Maddie Jostol, Senior Marketing Manager The kids are off to college and the big house just doesn’t make sense anymore. The cost, upkeep, and empty space is often what motivates empty nesters to think about downsizing. As their real estate agent, it’s your job to guide them to the perfect downsized home. Below are […]
What Traits Home Buyers Look for Most in Real Estate Agents By Tiana Baur, Content Marketing Manager While every consumer out there has their own taste, personality, and priorities, there are certain things all home buyers look for when it comes to choosing their real estate agent. If you’re looking for more ways to attract more clients, make sure you’re working on improving these essential traits. […]
Tips and Tricks Video Tour or Virtual Reality – Are Both Necessary? By Maddie Jostol, Marketing Manager Virtual reality, augmented reality, 3D imaging, mixed reality – overwhelmed yet? These flourishing technologies are just getting started. Yes, even imagery and video are getting more advanced. If you think these things aren’t going to start seeping into your role as a real estate agent, think again. They already have. […]
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Sphere Marketing How to Prepare Your Clients for Your Vacation By Jessie Trapp, Marketing Coordinator  So, you’ve decided to take a vacation. I applaud you for taking initiative to achieve a healthy work-life balance! The bad news – nearly 60% of people say that they continue working while they’re away. As an agent, it can be tough to hit the “off” button, but it’s essential […]
4 Ways to Increase Home Value Before Selling By Jessie Trapp, Marketing Coordinator  Today’s typical seller has lived in their home for 10 years prior to making the move to put it on the market. Clearly, the decision is a major event, and far more complex than planting a shiny “For Sale” sign in the lawn and calling it a day. Facing the […]
Home Design Trends and Features: What Homebuyers are Looking for Today By Jessie Trapp, Marketing Coordinator  The changing trends within the housing market are often fast paced and challenging for agents to keep up with. Thanks to the popularity of smart homes and Joanna Gaines (the queen of home-remodel TV), today’s home buyers and sellers are becoming surprisingly knowledgeable about home design, and specific about which […]
Artificial What? 4 Tips for Appealing to the Traditional Consumer By Jessie Trapp, Marketing Coordinator  Let’s face it- the process of buying a home can be one giant migraine waiting to happen. From finding the right agent to closing the deal, the stressful decisions having to be made by buyers can often times overshadow the generally exciting event that it should be in one’s life. […]
What First-Time Home Buyers Want to Know By Maddie Jostol, Marketing Manager  As a first-time home buyer, where do you even begin? Saving enough cash to cover a down payment is a big enough hurdle to get over, but that’s just the beginning. The entire process can be intimidating and overwhelming. Mortgages, offers and negotiations, inspections, homeowners insurance, property taxes, the list […]
7 Ways to Get the Most out of Networking Events By Alex Jacobs, Business Development Director As seen in Mile 62 eMagazine.  That time of year is upon is once again, conference season. Some of you may have already attended one or more of the many conferences that have already taken place such as T3, Real Trends Gathering of Eagles or NAR Midyear. Maybe you […]
Facebook Best Practices 2018 By Andrew Eberting, Senior Marketing Manager As seen in Mile 62 eMagazine.  Keeping pace with social media can feel exciting and overwhelming at the same time. Why does it seem like some posts get a lot of responses from people, and others not so much? Trying to figure out the levers that generate these higher […]
The Top 3 Mistakes Agents Are Making and How to Avoid Them By Melissa Anderson, Tech Support Team Leader  As seen in Mile 62 eMagazine.  We want you to be successful in your business. That’s why we design world class tools that will help you be productive and do what you do best. Having the tools is one thing but using them effectively to help your business […]
3 Surefire Ways to Reap the Benefits of Your CRM By Tiana Baur, Content Marketing Manager #1 way to reap CRM benefits: Move people through your CRM sales flow! The number one thing you can do with your CRM is to do what it was meant for: Convert, convert, convert, by moving people through that sales flow. It sounds like a no-brainer, but there are […]
16 Ways to Make Your CMA Presentations Pop By Tiana Baur When it comes to presentations, you have to put your best foot forward. Every other agent out there (more or less) are doing them digitally too, so in order to stand out, you have to do more. Chances are your presentation tool (such as Moxi Present) auto-generates them based off the MLS […]
Goal-Hitting: Top 5 Ways to Hold Yourself Accountable By Maddie Jostol Here we are heading into spring when the market heats up again and the leads start flowing. We started the year strong, setting goals for ourselves – maybe you want to grow your business, organize your business finances, or find better work/life balance – whatever it is, we started the year off […]
Heat Up Your Listing Presentations with INRIX Drive Time By Tiana Baur  I think we can all agree traffic is the absolute worst. Nothing puts us (or our clients) in a worse mood than leaving ourselves more than enough time to get somewhere, only to find out that we’re still walking through the door late. Which is why, when it comes to buying a […]