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Real Estate MarketingReal Estate MarketingTips and Tricks May 13, 2019

Real Estate Facebook Best Practices 2019 – Part 1

By Jessie Trapp, Marketing Coordinator 


Facebook best practices for real estateChanges to the Facebook algorithm tend to throw users of all types through a loop: brands, businesses, friends, and nowadays, probably even the tech-savvy grandma.

You work hard to fine-tune your social media strategy to drive the highest performance possible for your posts, yet it can be tricky to keep up with the current best practices for the platform. Regardless of frequent algorithm changes, there are several key factors that play into how your content is ranked that seem to remain consistent.

Here are the Facebook best practices 2019 for optimizing your real estate business’ Facebook page and posts:

1. Video rules all.

What should come as no surprise to social media diehards is, video outperforms virtually all other forms of content, so it’s best to use it whenever possible. In fact, Facebook videos have been found to earn 135% more reach and generate 59% more engagement than posts with only a single, still image.

A few more video stats:

Need some help making killer videos for your social media? Check out these video tools.

2. Short & sweet.

Finding the balance between making your post copy short yet valuable can be difficult. However, considering that 88% of Facebook users are accessing the platform on a mobile device, formatting your content to make it easy to consume on-the-go is worth the effort.

According to a study done by BuzzSumo, keeping your posts under 50 characters is ideal for optimal engagement.

3. Conversation.

Over the past few years, Facebook has been vocal about shifting its algorithm’s focus to personal engagement, meaning the more conversation your posts generate, the better they will perform.

A few conversation-generating content ideas:

• Share a personal story
• Ask for reviews & feedback
• Post jokes and memes that your audience will appreciate
• Share a real estate-related statistic
• Take a poll

4. Post often.

Many Facebook pros have differing opinions when it comes to the “magic number” of times you should post per day in order to have the biggest impact possible, but research shows that posting twice per day is a great starting point.

With two posts a day, you’ll begin driving the levels of impressions and engagement you’re striving for and gaining insights into your follower base, without risking too many unfollows due to over-posting.

5. Know when to post.

Not all audiences are alike, so make sure to get familiar with yours. Use analytics tools to get a read on what times & days your followers are likely to be on social media and post accordingly. Here’s an in-depth overview of the built-in Facebook insights tools, along with a rundown of how to use them.

As a general rule, it’s been found that weekends and evenings tend to be the best times to post, although most businesses also post content outside of those windows, depending on the content type and general habits in their industry.

6. Keep it genuine.

To keep us honest, the Facebook algorithm favors posts that naturally generate likes, comments, and shares because of the awesome content in them, not because you directly asked your followers to engage.

Facebook scans for posts that explicitly ask for engagement and will rank them lower in your follower’s feed meaning less reach and impact for your biz, so make sure to avoid this risky practice.

Regardless of the amount of time and effort you choose to allocate to your business’ Facebook account, your time is valuable and it’s important to be strategic about making the most of the time you put into it. By incorporating these best practices into your content strategy, you’ll be generating a bigger impact while keeping your work load to a minimum.

We hope these Facebook best practices 2019 help! Want to extend your reach even further on Facebook? Great, we have exactly what you need.

Real Estate MarketingTips and Tricks May 9, 2019

Real Estate Busy Season: How to Knock It out of the Park

By Maddie Jostol, Senior Marketing Manager 

real estate busy seasonIt’s go-time. Yes, we’re talking about the real estate busy season. It’s the time of year when listings ramp up, and real estate agents buckle up for an increase in inventory, clients, and closed deals.

May, June, July, and August are the heaviest home-selling months in the US, accounting for 40 percent of an average year’s total volume of existing home sales, according to Housing Wire. For reference, November, December, January, and February are the slowest home-selling months, accounting for only 27 percent of an average year’s total existing home sales.

Remember that the busy season benefits both your buyer and seller clients. Buyers have more inventory to choose from, and sellers see a shorter time on market. An analysis of single family home and condo sales from 2011 through 2017 by ATTOM Data Solutions shows that not only do we see more home sales during those peak months of May through August, but sellers enjoy a premium as well, with increased median sales prices.

For many agents, the real estate busy season is a huge opportunity to drum up new business and exceed those sales goals. How will you ensure you make the most of it? Here’s your step-by-step guide to knocking it out of the park this summer.

1. Stand out from the crowd.

This time of year is busy for you, but remember, it’s noisy for buyers and sellers as well. It’s vital that you stand out in a sea of real estate agents as the one that those home buyers and sellers want to work with. Stand out crowd by getting more eyes on your business, and remember that generating leads is only the beginning, but you need to make a strong first impression in order to seal the deal and start off on the right foot.

Here are a couple things to focus on in order to stand out:
• Response time (don’t forget, timing is everything)
• Market knowledge
• Personalized, thoughtful communications

2. Be the expert.

If there’s a niche market or customer you specialize in, capitalize on that opportunity during the busy season and seek out prospective clients within that niche. You’ll have a higher likelihood of winning their business because of your experience, and you’ll easily be able to wow them with your level of service. Think: first time home buyers, vacation homes, investors, specific neighborhoods, etc.

P.S. This is a great opportunity to build your reputation within that niche and generate referrals. When your clients feel you were able to deliver an outstanding, tailored experience, they’ll tell their friends who are in the same boat about you.

3. Bring your A-game.

When things get busy, in the heat of battle, it’s easy to let the little things slip. Leading agents retain a high level of professionalism, ensuring their business is marketed to be as outstanding as your service is.

As things ramp up, here are a few quick and easy ways to make sure you present your business in its best light:
• Up-to-date CMAs with live data
• Update your agent website with current market information (and an updated head shot while you’re at it)
• Create hyper-local marketing content
• Wow buyers with simple-to-use, interactive buyer-tours

4. Blow your clients away.

Once you’re underway with your clients, it’s time to offer a home buying or selling process in a way that will make them want to tell their friends. One easy way to blow your clients away is to show your clients just how many people you’re getting their listing in front of. When you advertise their listing using Promote, you’ll get their listing in front of a massive audience in just three simple steps. You can then either automate reports so that they’re emailed to your client directly, or you can deliver them personally. Either way, they’ll see that thousands of eyes have been on their listing, and they’ll see you as the digitally-savvy marketing superstar that you are.

With an increase in listings, it’s easy to get overwhelmed. Even though your to-do list will seem ever-growing, it’s important not to let your high level of customer service slip. Remember that with this increase in listings comes an increase in potential referrals once the dust settles.

Recruiting & Retention May 8, 2019

How Real Estate Brokerages Can Tackle Digital Marketing

By Maddie Jostol, Senior Marketing Manager

real estate digital marketingWe all know real estate agents should be advertising online. It’s key to building brand awareness, generating leads, promoting their listings, and gaining recognition as a top agent. As a brokerage, you also want to continually market your business in a way that will reach the masses and position you as the leader in your market. But, when it comes to digital marketing for your real estate brokerage, there is a lot to consider and the options are overwhelmingly endless. Not to mention, it can be a huge time suck for your team if you don’t utilize the right tools and strategies.

Here’s the run-down on how brokerages can tackle digital marketing, what to look for in digital advertising tools, how to support you agents’ marketing efforts, and why automated listing ads should be on any leading brokerage’s radar (yes, we’re talking about set-it-and-forget-it programs that automatically promote your brokerage’s listings).

Digital advertising is an opportunity for businesses to meet consumers where they already are – online. It’s estimated that 94 percent of millennials and 84 percent of baby boomers go online to search for a new home (Forbes), proving that your online presence means everything in today’s hot market. People are becoming more and more influenced by what they see online, and it’s imperative that your brand has an attention-grabbing presence.

Social media platforms such as Facebook and Instagram, as well as the audience networks that publish ads to hundreds of top sites enable you to get your brand in front of a massive audience. Marketing on social media also offers a unique opportunity to create a dialogue as people can engage with your ads, share with their friends, and comment about their great experience with your agents, all stretching your marketing dollars further.

So, where should you start when assessing how to tackle real estate digital marketing?

Step one is to get technology in place that will support and automate your efforts. You need to keep your brokerage brand relevant, even if you don’t have a huge marketing team to do so. Technology is your friend, and automation is key, so find a real estate digital marketing system that your agents can leverage, but that also supports your brokerages’ marketing strategy.

Here are a few things to look for in real estate digital advertising tools:

  • No (or low) minimums
  • High ROI on ad spend
  • Automated reporting
  • Simple, easy-to-use interface
  • Integrated with your other systems

How do you support your agents with their real estate digital marketing efforts?

Your brokerage brand is at the heart of your value proposition. It’s why agents want to partner with you and why consumers want to work with your agents. Every time your agents market their business, they’re marketing your brokerage brand along with it. What would happen if you amplified that?

Co-marketing between brokerage and agents is a win-win strategy where agents receive valuable support from their brokerage, while the brokerage grows their brand and augments it’s recruiting and lead generation efforts. Imagine this: every time one of your agents promotes their listing, you pick up the tab for 25% of it. Their marketing dollars go further, your brand gets in front of more eyes, and their loyalty runs even deeper. Co-marketing is a leading strategy for brokerages that are focused on revenue growth and agent retention.

First, find the budget. Whether you have a healthy marketing budget that allows for digital marketing, or you need to shift funds around, consider how you can revamp your marketing strategy and budget to stay competitive in today’s market. A great place to start is by moving the bulk of your marketing funds from print to digital. Not only is digital advertising simpler, it’s easier to target and you’ll have better analytics to assess ROI.

To take things a step further, look for complete automation. That is, every time your brokerage wins a listing, it gets promoted online without anyone on your team having to valuable spend time managing it all. If you’re a MoxiWorks customer, this dream will become a reality in the near future (*wink wink*).

Keep in mind, getting eyes on your brand and leads in the door is only the beginning. You then need to be able to back it up with a great brokerage website, effective lead nurture and routing process, and a seamless sales flow. Get on board with digital advertising that integrates with your technology stack, eases pain for your agents, leverages marketing dollars wisely, and helps you achieve your business goals.

News May 7, 2019

eXp Realty News: The Great Migration

By Tiana Baur, Marketing Manager

eXp Realty news: the great migrationIt’s been a hot minute since we last talked about eXp Realty news. Since we left this topic, it’s as if nothing and everything has changed all at once. The problems and pain points in the industry are still largely the same, but the drive and focus around them have narrowed and brokerages across the nations largely “get it.” Instead of having the urge to shake people into realizing they’re going to be forgotten in a technology-driven world, it’s like all of a sudden, we can have a normal, civilized conversations about it.

What is eXp & what’s their deal?

To recap: eXp Realty is a new kind of real estate brokerage. At eXp, there are no desk fees, no royalty fees, and agents get to keep somewhere around 80-100% of their commissions. What’s more is they offer every single agent the opportunity to buy into the business and become a shareholder.

eXp Realty is growing – and fast. The company increased the number of agents and brokers by 171 percent to 6,511 agents in 2017, compared to their 2,401 agents in 2016.

What’s the latest eXp Realty news?

If you thought eXp Realty was just a phase, you thought wrong. In 2018, eXp more than DOUBLED their agent count, going from 6,511 in 2017, to ending 2018 with over 15,500 agents. Not only that, but their revenue jumped 220% (no, that’s not a typo). The record-hitting number was $500.1 million. We should note that their net loss, however, remained steady at $22.4 million. By the end of 2018, eXp had closed 74,678 residential transactions, up 195 percent year-over-year.

So yeah, you could say eXp Realty is doing something right, or a lot of somethings right – but that doesn’t mean they haven’t attracted some haters along the way. Gary Keller said some things about their tech, specifically that it has antiquated feel, and I quote, “It’s old game technology. That’s their digital cloud-based platform. Old gaming technology. All you have to do is go look at your Sony PlayStation, or your Xbox, and then go look at that — it’s like you’re looking at Donkey Kong or Pac-Man technology.”

While any successful business (or any successful person for that matter) attracts haters, they typically attract plenty more lovers, as is the case with eXp. Agents are straight up flocking to the brokerage faster than snowbirds flock to Palm Springs or Florida. What does this mean for traditional brokerages now? Surely everyone sees eXp Realty is here to stay, so what are the steps needed to not only compete, but to thrive in a time where new-age brokerages are winning?

How traditional brokerages can compete.

Happy agents don’t leave their brokerage. Frustrated agents do. Agents are leaving their brokerages because they have issues that are going unsolved or a general lack of support that they’re searching for elsewhere. The best way to combat brokerages like eXp is to support your agents in ways that you have been hesitant to in the past.

Here are some ideas to start with:

Brand Support

Your brokerage’s brand is everything. It’s how the communities you serve know you, it’s the face of your company, and the reason repeat and referral business is such a big part of your brokerage’s revenue. But agents are the ones out there culminating and nurturing that brand, so helping them build their personal brand will only reinforce the brand your brokerage has built.

Remember: your agents picked your brand for a reason. They are not trying to run from it, they are simply trying to grow their own business (they are independent contractors after all), so limiting brand scalability is a major no-no. If an agent wants to start a podcast, support it. If an agent wants their own logo, support it. It’s these little gives that will keep them there.

Listing Support

How about supporting the one thing that’s most important to an agent’s business? Listing support is an up and coming strategy, so getting in early will differentiate you from the competition. Try co-marketing with Promote – you pay for part of the ad spend on their listing and an agent can choose to add more monetary power behind it. Your agents see you’re supporting them, which is a major win. In addition, with co-marketing, there are no minimums and you select your own budget for however much or little you’d like to spend.


Agents need to have one place they can go to for everything. They need to be able to connect multiple MLSs to their tools, integrate their website, have a solid reporting dashboard, connect their CRM, CMA, intranet, client data, and more all in one place. If you’re not providing your agents with a solid tech stack to grow and scale their business, then that’s the first place you need to start. A solid tech stack that is built on an open platform is really the bare minimum when it comes to agent recruiting and retention. The more delicate matters like culture, a welcoming atmosphere, and helping agents find unlimited opportunities, are next.

Real Estate MarketingSphere Marketing May 2, 2019

10 Things for Your Summer Real Estate Marketing Plan

By Jessie Trapp, Marketing Coordinator 

summer real estate marketing planIt’s May. The sun’s out, summer’s right around the corner, and after a bustling spring, the beach is most definitely calling your name. While this time of year tends to bring with it a major slump in business for many industries, real estate is quite the opposite – the busy season is just ramping up.

Warm weather drives communities to get out and about, creating endless opportunities for you to engage with your sphere and strengthen relationships. With a few seasonal tweaks to your already killer marketing plan, you’ll be generating leads and boosting your reputation before you know it.

Here are a few must-haves for your summer marketing plan this year:

1. Pop-By Gifts

Never heard of a Pop-By Gift? Well, now you have! They’re essentially small gifts that you can leave on client’s doorstep. They should be low-cost but serve as a nice reminder that you’re there if they find themselves ready to buy or sell a home.

Get out, enjoy the sun and pay your clients a visit. Check out this Pinterest page for a dose of Pop-By Gift inspiration!

2. Referral drive

According to a study by Nielson, people are 4 times more likely to buy a product or service when referred by a friend. To take advantage of this buying tendency, consider running a campaign centered around referrals to encourage your clients to talk about you and your biz while they’re out enjoying the season with family and friends.

Pro tip: Make a flashy presentation using MoxiPresent with an introduction video, info about why they should work with you, and all the deets about your business. Post it on social media to make it super easy for clients to share it with others!

3. Event

Do you love to barbecue? Obsessed with playing badminton at the park? Whatever your summer activity of choice is, make it a small event for your business and invite clients to join in on the fun.

Pro tip: Make sure to invite clients that you’ve worked with before who are willing to brag about you to your other prospects. First-hand reviews tend to be the most powerful!

4. Play ball

Well, you don’t actually have to play it, but you should at least watch it! Pro baseball games are a great excuse to treat clients to a night out without completely breaking the bank. Not to mention that they tend to be pretty long, giving you plenty of time to get the scoop on what’s happening in your clients’ worlds and search for opportunities to help them out.

5. Summer photo contest

While you’re busy chugging away at generating engagement and converting leads, live vicariously through your clients by getting a glimpse into their summer vacations. Host a contest on social media for the coolest/funkiest house your followers can find during their travels. Have them post it (and tag you in it, of course) and reward the winner with a pair of tickets to a local event. Not only does this spread the word about you and your business, but it gives them a fun outdoor activity for their vacation.

6. Summer themed swag

Who doesn’t love some free swag? Take advantage of days at the beach or park to pass out branded water bottles, personal fans, sunscreen, or koozies. Whatever it is, take the opportunity to spread the word about your brand while your community is out and about.

Pro tip: Consider including an invite for a coffee date with you along with your swag. Even if they simply want to hear your take on the current state of the market, it creates an opportunity to talk real estate, make a new connection, and grow your sphere. You never know what kind of lucrative opportunity it could turn into!

7. Go mobile

With people constantly on the go this season, make sure your reaching them in ways that will follow them wherever they go. Sending out neighborhood snapshots via email and advertising your listings and services on social media is a great way to make sure you stay top-of-mind, regardless of what your clients are up to.

8. Hit the major holidays

With holidays like the Fourth of July, Labor Day, and the back to school push in your future, make sure you have fun content lined up to make the most of it! Consider incorporating holiday themed content into your email campaigns and themed cookies at your open houses. Celebrating alongside your clients will only boost your reputation and give them a positive association with your business.

9. Follow the weather

Do you notice an extra hot day coming up? Send your clients a list of local indoor activities to help them escape the heat. These lists could include:

  • Favorite ice cream spots
  • Current movies playing at the local theater
  • New pop-up shops to check out
  • Indoor concerts

10. Think local

School’s out for the summer, and clients will be on the prowl for activates to keep their kids busy. Instead of feeling the need to look for activities in the local paper, do the work for them and give them a weekly activity update on your social media!

Mobile ToolsTips and TricksTips and Tricks May 1, 2019

This World-Class CMA Tool Is EVEN Better with Buyer Tours

By Tiana Baur, Marketing Manager

MoxiPresent buyer tourIf you’re an real estate agent, chances are you’ve been on more home tours with potential buyers than you can count. Each time you embark on a tour, you have a list of all the homes you’d like to show. Maybe you have them all printed off so can take notes at a coffee shop once the tour is wrapped up, or maybe your home buyers have photographic memory and remember every little detail of every home… which is pretty unlikely.

The good news is, we have a solution for you! The great news is, it’s in your pocket already.

Putting the interactive-ness into buyer tours

Our interactive Comparative Market Analysis (CMA) tool, MoxiPresent, is one of our favorite tools (we know, you’re not supposed to pick favorites amongst your offspring, but we can’t help it!). MoxiPresent was the very first tool that MoxiWorks ever came out with. It’s received update after update, feature after feature, and today is one of the most sought after more-than-a-CMA tools on the market. And it just got even better with the addition of buyer tours.

MoxiPresent’s new buyer tour feature allows agents to quickly and easily create dynamic buyer tour presentations that guide clients along a curated buyer tour, enabling them to rate and comment on properties along the way, offering agents immediate feedback. Here are some of the highlights:

  • Comes complete with a travel route. Plus, you can get directions directly from Google Maps for the most efficient routes.
  • Ability for clients to rate and take notes on each listing. It’s impossible for clients to remember every tiny detail of things they loved (or hated) in each of the homes you saw. Often times the most recent are the freshest, so the homes early on in your tour might not get the attention they deserve. With buyer tour presentations, home buyers (and agents) can take notes in the presentation right from their phones as they’re walking through the homes!
  • Agents will be notified via email for each property review and have the capability to respond back to a client’s review.
  • Still includes all of the juicy goodness from the standard MoxiPresent presentations, so your clients have everything they need!

Buyer tour presentations are the new essential sidekick of every great home tour day with your clients. Your clients can put their first impressions in, and it allows you to have a true dialogue with your clients. What are you waiting for? See MoxiPresent buyer tours in action!

P.S. MoxiPresent is the only CMA that does buyer tours this way – talk about a competitive advantage for you and your team!

Platform Testimonial Videos April 30, 2019

Promote for Brokerages

Platform Testimonial Videos April 30, 2019

Promote Testimonials

News April 30, 2019

#ICYMI: April 2019 Real Estate News

By Jessie Trapp, Marketing Coordinator & Tiana Baur, Marketing Manager


April 2019 Real Estate NewsDid someone say busy season?! This time each year, it feels like everyone’s at the starting line, impatiently waiting for the start gun to go off. Phones will be ringing off the hook and listings upon listings are about to hit the market. Let’s all enjoy the last moment of peace and tranquility, finish our last-minute checklists, and of course, catch up in the latest goings on in our favorite industry!

In case you missed it, here are the top five April 2019 real estate news stories to know:

1. “Breaking: Zillow sues Compass over poached employees, intellectual property”

Zillow is suing Compass (multiple lawsuits) over them allegedly poaching employees to steal intellectual property. According to Inman, the suits “argue that Compass lured away three Zillow employees who had signed contracts with non-disclosure and non-compete clauses. Compass specifically wanted such employees in order to get access to Zillow’s trade secrets, the suits state, and it has made a habit of ‘unlawful poaching’ of employees.”

You can read the full saga here. TBD on how all this will end up.

2. “’Off the rails’ real estate promo video ‘missed the mark,’ goes viral”

Things got a little too spicy (and extremely controversial) for a recent real estate video gone viral. A Sydney-based brokerage thought it would be a good idea in this day and age to produce a luxury real estate promo video featuring models dancing on tables, scandalously going through the listed property (yes, even the bedroom). In a not so shocking plot twist, it was not a good idea. Some viewers even noticed that the women making out with the man in the house was not the same women in the wedding photos.

Pro tip: next time you want to spice things up in your listing videos, stick to the curtains.

3. “Lone Wolf is buying zipLogix”

Lone Wolf isn’t so lonely anymore with a recent addition to their wolfpack, whose name is zipLogix. This news shouldn’t come as a major shock since the consolidation of real estate tech will only grow as investment, especially private equity, continues to pour into the mix.

4. “Keller Williams iBuyer program Keller Offers to debut in May”

According to Inman News, Keller Williams is “launching its own all-cash, online homebuying program next month in Texas, and plans to expand that program to as many as eight metro areas by the end of the year.” In other words, the iBuyer craze is growing more and more intense, now with Keller Williams, Zillow, and Opendoor all competing.

5. “Long & Foster opens new moving company”

It’s a professional residential moving company, it’s called Tailored Move, and it’s the newest baby of Long & Foster Companies. RISMedia states that, “Tailored Move offers local, long-distance, and international moving services with competitive rates and a service-based approach. Clients are provided with a guaranteed flat-rate quote, rather than hourly estimates on moving services, so they know what they can expect to pay before their move occurs. In addition, Tailored Move gives each client $20,000 full-value replacement coverage of their belongings, at no additional cost.”

PLUS, Tailored Move will offer cleaning, staging, decluttering, packing, storage and unpacking services. This news deserves a thousand thumbs up.

Thanks for reading and stay tuned for another #ICYMI next month!

P.S. If you’re reading this, today is the LAST day to use our discount code for Revolar Instinct safety devices! We were tired of hearing stories about agents feeling unsafe, attacked or even worse. That’s why we partnered with Revolar to give any and all agents across the country 45% off Revolar Instinct safety devices with code “moxiworks” at checkout.

Disclaimer: MoxiWorks is not making a dime off of this, we just want you to feel safer!

Press Releases April 29, 2019

MoxiWorks Integrates Intelligent Analytics into All MoxiWebsites with Brytecore

SEATTLE, April 29, 2019 – MoxiWorks, a leading real estate technology company, has announced a new partnership with Brytecore, adding Brytelytics intelligent analytics into every MoxiWebsites account at no additional cost to users.

Brytecore is the premier lead intelligence and smart routing software for real estate companies. Their solution, known as Brytelytics, focuses on what truly matters to brokerages: understanding the lead’s real estate journey and providing actionable insights to convert them to customers.

York Baur, CEO of MoxiWorks, said, “Since the home search now largely begins with an online search, it’s vital that brokerages, offices, and agents have a strong online presence to put their best foot forward. Not only that, but the brokerage needs to be able to see what’s going on in the background, whether it’s lead prospecting, segmenting visitors by engagement, real time viewing, or digging deep into lead insights. With Brytelytics in MoxiWebsites, brokerages will be able to do just that and more.”

MoxiWebsites is an easy-to-use website builder for brokerage, office, team, and agent websites that makes putting a brand’s best foot forward a simple task. It enables users to easily build a professional-looking website to help get them found, sell homes, and grow their brand.

With this powerful Brytelytics tool in the MoxiWebsites product, brokerages will be able to get additional visibility into their business’ online presence. Some of these intelligent website analytics include a real time feed of real estate-related actions taken on their websites, listings’ and cities’ web traffic, visitor volume and activity, and activity mapping that shows web traffic for various properties.

“The average real estate consumer experiences a 24-month journey from initial web search to closing, but these potential buyers are only ready to transact during a very short window of opportunity. Using Brytecore, brokerages can automatically identify that window, engage an agent, and capitalize it into lead conversion,” said Eddie Krebs, Founder and CEO of Brytecore. “We are excited about the opportunity to serve a broader brokerage audience through our MoxiWorks partnership. Our lead intelligence suite of products will significantly lift brokerage revenue without having to increase lead volume.”

If you’re interested in learning more about this partnership or MoxiWebsites, please go to moxiworks.com/how-it-works/websites.

About Brytecore
Brytecore is the premier provider of lead intelligence and smart routing software for real estate companies. Their Brytelytics™ machine learning platform automatically identifies leads ready to engage an agent, and their Lead Voyager™ product delivers those leads to the best agent, propelling them through the real estate journey to closing. Find more information at brytecore.com.

About MoxiWorks
MoxiWorks is a comprehensive open platform system for large residential real estate brokerages that serves over 72 brokerages and 120,000 agents nationwide that account for more than 13% of the transactions in the U.S. MoxiWorks’ integrated tools are centered on sphere methodology that increases agents’ repeat and referral business by 54%, while lowering overall technology, training, and support costs for the brokerage. The open platform known as the MoxiCloud has tools from more than 50 partners that plug and play to create unique brokerage solutions. MoxiWorks also powers the LeadingRE Cloud. Find more information at moxiworks.com.




For more information on this topic and other press inquiries at MoxiWorks, please contact Tiana Baur at tiana@moxiworks.com.