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Real Estate MarketingSphere Marketing May 2, 2019

10 Things for Your Summer Real Estate Marketing Plan

By Jessie Trapp, Marketing Coordinator 

summer real estate marketing planIt’s May. The sun’s out, summer’s right around the corner, and after a bustling spring, the beach is most definitely calling your name. While this time of year tends to bring with it a major slump in business for many industries, real estate is quite the opposite – the busy season is just ramping up.

Warm weather drives communities to get out and about, creating endless opportunities for you to engage with your sphere and strengthen relationships. With a few seasonal tweaks to your already killer marketing plan, you’ll be generating leads and boosting your reputation before you know it.

Here are a few must-haves for your summer marketing plan this year:

1. Pop-By Gifts

Never heard of a Pop-By Gift? Well, now you have! They’re essentially small gifts that you can leave on client’s doorstep. They should be low-cost but serve as a nice reminder that you’re there if they find themselves ready to buy or sell a home.

Get out, enjoy the sun and pay your clients a visit. Check out this Pinterest page for a dose of Pop-By Gift inspiration!

2. Referral drive

According to a study by Nielson, people are 4 times more likely to buy a product or service when referred by a friend. To take advantage of this buying tendency, consider running a campaign centered around referrals to encourage your clients to talk about you and your biz while they’re out enjoying the season with family and friends.

Pro tip: Make a flashy presentation using MoxiPresent with an introduction video, info about why they should work with you, and all the deets about your business. Post it on social media to make it super easy for clients to share it with others!

3. Event

Do you love to barbecue? Obsessed with playing badminton at the park? Whatever your summer activity of choice is, make it a small event for your business and invite clients to join in on the fun.

Pro tip: Make sure to invite clients that you’ve worked with before who are willing to brag about you to your other prospects. First-hand reviews tend to be the most powerful!

4. Play ball

Well, you don’t actually have to play it, but you should at least watch it! Pro baseball games are a great excuse to treat clients to a night out without completely breaking the bank. Not to mention that they tend to be pretty long, giving you plenty of time to get the scoop on what’s happening in your clients’ worlds and search for opportunities to help them out.

5. Summer photo contest

While you’re busy chugging away at generating engagement and converting leads, live vicariously through your clients by getting a glimpse into their summer vacations. Host a contest on social media for the coolest/funkiest house your followers can find during their travels. Have them post it (and tag you in it, of course) and reward the winner with a pair of tickets to a local event. Not only does this spread the word about you and your business, but it gives them a fun outdoor activity for their vacation.

6. Summer themed swag

Who doesn’t love some free swag? Take advantage of days at the beach or park to pass out branded water bottles, personal fans, sunscreen, or koozies. Whatever it is, take the opportunity to spread the word about your brand while your community is out and about.

Pro tip: Consider including an invite for a coffee date with you along with your swag. Even if they simply want to hear your take on the current state of the market, it creates an opportunity to talk real estate, make a new connection, and grow your sphere. You never know what kind of lucrative opportunity it could turn into!

7. Go mobile

With people constantly on the go this season, make sure your reaching them in ways that will follow them wherever they go. Sending out neighborhood snapshots via email and advertising your listings and services on social media is a great way to make sure you stay top-of-mind, regardless of what your clients are up to.

8. Hit the major holidays

With holidays like the Fourth of July, Labor Day, and the back to school push in your future, make sure you have fun content lined up to make the most of it! Consider incorporating holiday themed content into your email campaigns and themed cookies at your open houses. Celebrating alongside your clients will only boost your reputation and give them a positive association with your business.

9. Follow the weather

Do you notice an extra hot day coming up? Send your clients a list of local indoor activities to help them escape the heat. These lists could include:

  • Favorite ice cream spots
  • Current movies playing at the local theater
  • New pop-up shops to check out
  • Indoor concerts

10. Think local

School’s out for the summer, and clients will be on the prowl for activates to keep their kids busy. Instead of feeling the need to look for activities in the local paper, do the work for them and give them a weekly activity update on your social media!