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Mobile Tools

Mobile Tools This World-Class CMA Tool Is EVEN Better with Buyer Tours By Tiana Baur, Marketing Manager If you’re an real estate agent, chances are you’ve been on more home tours with potential buyers than you can count. Each time you embark on a tour, you have a list of all the homes you’d like to show. Maybe you have them all printed off so can take […]
Mobile Tools How Going Digital Is Making Agents More Money By Tiana Baur What if we told you that you could be saving over $4,000 per year by going digital? By going digital, we mean throwing out that shoebox you keep your receipts in and making it your New Year’s resolution to stick to digital when it comes to taxes. Your pocket will thank you […]
Mobile Tools 10 Essential Mobile Tools for Real Estate Agents in 2015 Agents who are using the best in mobile technology and tools will always have a huge advantage compared to those agents who don’t. The best tools save time and make agents more productive. Here are 10 of my favorites. Let’s dive in. 1. Skyslope Sign legal and transaction documents digitally from the local coffee shop or […]
MoxiWorks Your Clients are All Mobile Now Communication via smart phones & tablets has exploded in the past three years. Buyers and sellers are researching and financing homes via mobile. Zillow – More than 60% of visits came from a mobile device in 2013. – Home shoppers spent more than five billion minutes on Zillow’s apps and viewed homes more than 2.5 billion […]
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