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Open Platform November 20, 2018

10 Steps to Successfully Switching Brokerage CRMs

By Tiana Baur, Content Marketing Manager

brokeragr CRMsTime to stop being afraid of change and start bringing in buckets of cash. More than ever before, a brokerage’s choice in their technology can significantly impact their profits. Technology can be the one thing standing between a brokerage’s success and survival, and severe failure.

There are obviously many steps to successfully switching brokerage CRMs, but we’ve boiled it down to ten. These are the most important steps in making the decision to switch and who to switch to:

1. Interview stakeholders and agents

Who in your company is going to be in on this process? Who has the final say? Who is actually going to use it? Hint: your agents are! That’s why it’s so important to set expectations and understand proprieties before going out and looking at products.

2. Define your goals

Based on the feedback you received from stakeholders and your agents, you can now define your goals. Make sure they’re clear and concise. Are you just looking for a shiny object? Chances are you’re looking for something that will have a tangible impact on your bottom line, as well as recruiting and retention efforts.

3. Research

The fun part! Time to see what’s out there. Find out which options fit your brokerage model, what sets them apart, how their reviews are, and what industry influencers are saying about them. See if they have testimonials on their site to see what their clients have to say, watch videos, etc.

4. Assemble and analyze options

Not all CRMs are created equal. You need to identify the pros and cons because the cons tend to outweigh the pros in many scenarios. What CRM works for one brokerage, might not for yours; it’s not a one size fits all approach. Create a grid (or some way to visualize) and decide which ones you’d like to see in action.

5. Chat with vendors

Talk to the companies behind the products. Ask the right questions. Do they have data to back up their claims? What does their support look like? Will they serve as a partner to your brokerage? How often do they update their CRM? Do they integrate with your other tools? All these questions and more are essential to picking out the right diamond in the rough.

6. See it in action

Schedule demos and see what the CRM looks like and how it will work for your agents. See if it is intuitive enough for your agent audience and if they have the add-ons you’re looking for, whether that’s email marketing, just listed/just sold announcements, market data, etc. A good CRM will be more than just a CRM.

7. Do more research

Is training available? What does onboarding look like? Are they certified by any notable organizations? Think about the entire process from signing the dotted line to actually getting your agents to use it, to ensure you’ll see a solid ROI.

8. The integration factor

Chances are, you have a lot more tech tools being used at your brokerage than just a CRM. Make absolutely sure that your next CRM will integrate with your existing technology tools and share data, so it doesn’t end up making agents’ lives more complicated.

9. Get some feedback

Remember those stakeholders and users we were mentioning at the beginning? Show them what you’ve found and gauge how they feel about the options on the table. Show some agents a demo. Remember, a shiny object that agents won’t actually use is going to put you right back in the same situation you’re in now. Don’t want to have to switch brokerage CRMs again in 2019? Get some solid internal reactions.

10. Make your decision

If you’ve made it this far, you likely won’t regret this decision. Often brokerages regret their technology decisions because they didn’t ask all of the necessary questions and they didn’t clarify ambiguity. Which means if you have, when you put that pen to paper, you’ll be popping bottles rather than crossing your fingers.

Want to get some more advice on switching brokerage CRMs? Chat with someone from our extremely knowledgeable (and extremely friendly!) Business Development Team.

Recruiting & Retention November 19, 2018

Why It’s so Important for Brokerages to Support Agent Listings

By Jessie Trapp, Marketing Coordinator 

support agent listingsAs a leader at a real estate brokerage, you consider your brand to be your bread and butter. It’s what gives you the power to successfully recruit and retain the agents you need, and establish the killer reputation required to thrive within this bustling industry.

Creating a powerful brand that makes agents want to work for you, and clients want to work with you, requires that you both give your agents what they need to succeed and market your brand in ways that can’t be overlooked.

There’s already a lot on your plate, so the more of this you can accomplish with the least amount of maintenance, the better.

Hint: We have you covered.

Competition for top producers is hot. Brokerages are pulling out all the stops, leveraging every trick in the book to build a powerful team of agents that has what it takes to survive any market condition that might come their way.

The point? Support agent listings.

You, too, need to be smart about how you’re bringing valuable support to your agents, including investing in paid advertising. And luckily, thanks to the feedback and requests from our clients, you now have the perfect tool to enable you to do just that – sitting, just waiting to be used – right inside of your MoxiMarketing suite.

It’s simple, doesn’t require heavy lifting from your brokerage team, boosts your brand recognition big-time, and results in a major win-win for both you and your agents.

How it works.

The latest update to MoxiMarketing gives brokerages the ability to sponsor agents’ ads, boosting the initial number of eyes on their listings and your brand, without the agents having to spend any of their own cash. It will jump-start their marketing efforts. And then, when that ad times out, the agent has the option to pay to continue the promotion if they so choose.

Why it’s important.

The level of support you offer your rock star agents plays a huge part in your ability to keep them on your team. Although the topic of recruiting new agents is a massive one among brokerages in today’s market, retention plays an equally important (if not more important) role in leading your brokerage to success.

Using this feature to take on the initial cost associated with advertising listings will benefit your brokerage in a variety of ways, including:

  1. Taking on the initial cost will encourage your agents to continue marketing that listing, increasing the engagement they have with the tools you provide them with.
  2. It will make your agents feel as though you’re a team, and that you support their success and have their backs when it comes to winning listings and remaining competitive.
  3.  You will build brand recognition by encouraging the promotion of all listings associated with your brokerage.

Click here for more information on how to start boosting your agents’ ads (and your personal brand) today!

In The News November 15, 2018

QuantumDigital Integrates with MoxiWorks, Joins Extensive Open Platform Network

CLICK HERE TO VIEW THE ENTIRE ARTICLE. Austin, Nov. 15, 2018 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — QuantumDigital, Inc., an Austin, Texas-based company making targeted direct marketing simple and fast, today announced it has expanded the lineup of service providers with which its solution integrates to include MoxiWorks, a comprehensive, open-platform system for both real estate agents and brokerages.

Real Estate Marketing November 13, 2018

The Real Estate Marketing Terms Agents Need to Know

By Jessie Trapp, Marketing Coordinator

Real estate agent terminologyMarketing is a major part of what you do as a real estate agent, and you have to be somewhat of a marketing wiz to stand out amongst the overwhelming amount of content floating around these days.

Not everyone has the time to master everything there is to know about marketing, which can often sound like a language entirely of its own, so here are a few important real estate marketing terms and definitions (in no particular order) that will come in handy as an agent:


Marketers are completely obsessed with them, to put it lightly. They are the key to analyzing the effectiveness of your marketing efforts and help determine what changes need to be made in order to see the ROI you need. As an agent, analytics will help you determine whether you’re running the right kinds of ads and content, for the right kind of people, at the perfect time.

Most of the tools that you are likely using (Facebook, Instagram, etc.) will have their own analytics systems built in. The key is to not only look at what the numbers are, but to look further into what they really mean for your business and what you can do to strengthen them.


Clearly, we are massive fans of the strategy here at MoxiWorks. A blog is a website or web page that is consistently updated with fresh new content. The latest pieces usually appear first, and the oldest last. Blogs can be authored by one person writing all of the content, or large groups of people all contributing different pieces and types of content. The main point of having a blog is to create a platform for you to communicate directly with your target audience in creative and engaging ways. With social media being so essential in today’s business world, blogs also serve as rich content to share across all of your channels, meaning much more bang for your buck.

Client persona.

Being successful at marketing requires you to have some idea of what your target client base or audience looks like. For example, if you’re selling luxury real estate, your audience is going to be much more specific and focused than if you are selling the typical middle-class neighborhood home.

Knowing who you should be targeting will help guide your entire business in the right direction. Not only will it help you create content that will be more relevant to the people that count, but it will also make all the difference in the level of success your ads experience.

If you’ve ever posted an ad on Facebook (if you haven’t, better start ASAP), you are likely familiar with the options it gives you to specify who you want your ads to reach. It usually asks for things like age and what types of keywords might be associated with the people you are wanting to reach. Having an accurate picture of your target audience will help you target these ads correctly and increase the amount of leads they generate.

Bounce rate.

They are the heartbreakers and the game makers of your website. Put simply, your bounce rate is the percentage of visitors that leave your site after only viewing one page, as opposed to browsing through multiple pages. it’s an important stat to keep your eye on, as it can tell you a lot about where you should focus your efforts when it comes to optimizing your site. Although it can be disappointing to see a high bounce rate, don’t let it get you down. Especially as an agent, your clients may only need what is on the one page that they visit. For example, if they are simply looking for your email address, which happens to be front and center on the first page, it isn’t necessarily a bad thing for them to leave after quickly jotting it down.

Content marketing.

The explosion of the internet has made content marketing the norm for most successful businesses. Instead of simply marketing your product or service, content marketing allows you to go deeper and actually build value and brand loyalty in the minds of your clients. Not only does this create more reliable and sustainable business, but it gives your brand an opportunity to have a much more significant and defined voice. This may include using content such as blogs, the Moxi Neighborhood News tool, and newsletters.

Cost per lead.

Every marketing activity that you put time and effort into costs you in some way. Cost per lead is the amount you pay to generate a new lead. If it is organic marketing (non-paid), then the cost is the time that you spend creating the content that you could be spending doing something else for your business.

And just like that, you’re on your way to becoming a marketing aficionado. Trial and error will be your best friend, but make sure to use data to guide your decisions and keep the error minimal.

Keep checking the Moxi Blog for more marketing tips and tricks you’ll want to know to stay ahead and keep up your tech savvy image.

Tips and Tricks November 8, 2018

How to Use Data to Deliver the Best Customer Service

By Maddie Jostol, Senior Marketing Manager

customer service header imageThe customer service that you provide to your clients is what sets you apart during, and long after, a transaction. Consumer expectations are rising, which means that real estate agents are pressured to adopt new ways of delivering on these expectations. Think about how you could make the home buying or selling process a breeze for your clients from the moment you reach out to them to the time they receive their ‘welcome home’ gift from you.

For those of you with a MoxiInsights subscription, you’ve taken an important first step. MoxiInsights provides agents with aggregated public data on everyone in your sphere, right there in your MoxiEngage account. You instantly have valuable insights for every contact, for you can use to create a better experience, and you’ll be notified when someone in your sphere is likely to list.

So, how do you use data like this to your advantage? Here’s how you can up your game and deliver unforgettable customer service.

Be proactive

Get the timing right for you and your clients. With a system that keeps you in the loop with your sphere, you’ll have an idea as to who has kids heading off to college in the next few years, who recently got married, and who may have seen career success and is looking for a bigger place. This will nudge you to get back in touch with that person, anticipating what changes might be coming in their life so you can be prepared with resources and start helping them right when they’re ready to make a move. Why does this matter to the client? They don’t have to look around. You’re there right when they need a real estate agent, and you’re ready to help them find their next home.

Be human

Make it personal. As with any predictive analytics tool, some people feel as though leveraging data in this way makes them less “human” as if they’ll come across robot-like to their sphere. If it feels this way, then you’re using the data incorrectly. Agents who are focused on delivering the highest level of customer service use tools like this as a prompt. It’s for their own workflow, to make sure they don’t miss a beat. The agents who are on top of their game are leveraging such data to deliver superior customer service by letting the technology do the busy work, so you can take those insights and build stronger relationships. At the end of the day, you’ll know your sphere better and you’ll be able to offer them a memorable experience and leave a lasting impression.

Be specific

Leveraging consumer data allows you to deliver the right content at the right time. Being able to segment your database based on the information you now have available will increase the effectiveness of your marketing campaigns. You’ll know who to invite to your charity golf tournament, and who to send your spring gardening tips to. Without calling people out specifically, you’ll have a much better chance of getting the right information to the right people. You will be delivering them with a tailored, personal experience before they even reach out saying they’re ready to sell.

You might be hesitant to begin using consumer data because of the fear you’ll come across as ‘knowing too much,’ but the truth is, when used correctly, it simply gives you the background information you need to build stronger relationships. It’s become common practice to look prospects up on Facebook, Google, and LinkedIn before engaging with them. Tools offering this data for you are no different, except for the fact that it’s all in one place, it’s easy to consume, and you don’t have to spend hours aggregating it yourself. It’s out there for the taking, and it is sure to heighten your level of customer service, so who wants it?

Open PlatformProductivity November 6, 2018

Increase Agent Adoption Rates by Following These 3 Steps

By Jessie Trapp, Marketing Coordinator 

3 steps to increase agent adoption ratesAgent adoption of brokerage tech is one of the major obstacles facing virtually every brokerage out there, it’s just part of the industry we’re in. You work hard to carefully choose and curate the perfect tech stack for your brokerage, so I personally would understand if a lack of adoption stings a little – or a whole freaking lot. Don’t let your confidence take a hit from it, as it likely has nothing to do with you, or your quality of choice.

Every agent has their own system and methods for completing their tasks, making it completely understandable for them to be hesitant about starting from scratch with new tools. In today’s world, it’s one of the biggest ways that you can leverage your data, so it’s important not to give up on it. The more your agents utilize your tech, the better it is for everyone.

Here are three steps to consider taking in order to increase agent adoption rates and get your agents hooked on your tech:

1. Choose easy to use tech.

If your technology is extremely confusing, hard to use, and doesn’t offer onboarding and training support – run. Once agents get comfortable with the tech they use, it can take a whole lot to convince them that it’s worth it to make a switch. Once they do decide to make the move, you want it to be easy-as-pie for them to adopt your tech.

That means it’s important that you choose technology that is connected. And yes, we’re talking about an open-platform! The more your tech tools talk to each other and share data, the more value there will be for you and your agents, and the less work it will require in order to get it. That will be a major plus in the minds of your agents, as efficiency and productivity are the keys to being successful at what they do. Also, make sure that your tech provider has an amazing support team – you want your agents to have access to the assistance they need, when they need it the most. If agents are finding understanding your tech to be a road block preventing them from reaching the productivity levels they are used to, they will have no problem dropping it, and understandably so.

2. Host educational training events.

Agents are busy, which is why you need to make sure it’s ridiculously easy for them to get training. Hosting events is a great opportunity for you to get your agents in a room together and give them the info they need to succeed with your tech. Bribery will likely be necessary, but it will be worth it in the long run. Whether it takes buying them cookies or offering up a raffle for tickets to the ball game, we’d suggest that you provide some kind of incentive to at least get them in the door.

Once they arrive, make it interesting. The last thing you want is for them to be trapped in a room for an hour, bored out of their minds, wishing they had never showed up in the first place – we’ve all been there. Create an exciting and interactive experience that gets them involved and allows them to interact with the product. We’ve seen trivia and jeopardy games among the many creative activities our awesome clients have whipped-up to make the training process more enjoyable and, dare I say, fun.

Use these events as an opportunity to explain why your tech is so valuable to their sphere of influence, their data, and to the health of their work-life balance. Don’t just focus on the “how,” focus on the “why” too! Building value in the minds of your agents is essential in order for them to see the benefits that it will bring to them, therefore increasing the likelihood that they actually invest the time into adopting it.

3. Provide incentives.

In addition to the bribery previously mentioned to encourage agent attendance to your training events, you will also need some more of it to make sure that they consistently use your tech. As you know, adopting the tech in the first place is the first hurdle to tackle, but making sure that agents are continuing to keep up with the training and taking advantage of any shiny new features is another goal that can be tough to accomplish.

Reward agents who are using not only one feature of your tech stack, but all of the tools that it has to offer. Interview those agents about how it has impacted their professional lives and send it out to the other agents in your office. It’s one thing for you to tell your agents that your tech will better their lives, but it will be so much more impactful when they hear it directly from one of their own!

Press Releases November 2, 2018

HomeKeepr and MoxiWorks Partner to Increase Referral Business for Real Estate Professionals

Real Estate Tech Leaders Partner to Increase Profitability, Recruitment, Retention, and Customer Service for Real Estate Brokers Nationwide

SEATTLE, WA — November 2, 2018 – MoxiWorks, a leading real estate technology company, and HomeKeepr®, the nation’s only online home services marketplace powered by a referral network of real estate agents, homeowners and home service professionals, today announced that HomeKeepr is joining the MoxiCloud to help agents stay in touch with and remain valuable to past and prospective home-buying clients, generating more repeat and referral business.

Specifically, HomeKeepr will join the MoxiCloud open platform to offer increased tools for marketing, content and lead generation to real estate agents nationwide. “We’re excited to welcome HomeKeepr to the MoxiCloud. Partners are the cornerstone of our open platform and it would be nothing without amazing, best-in-class services like HomeKeepr,” said York Baur, CEO of MoxiWorks.

HomeKeepr is a comprehensive application built for real estate professionals that enables them to connect clients with their most trusted home-service providers. The new integration with MoxiWorks, which is expected to go live nationally in mid-November, will allow agents to invite their clients to utilize HomeKeepr while the agent is working within their MoxiWorks account. Invited homeowners or prospective buyers will also receive agent-branded home maintenance tips and blog posts educating the homeowner on all things important for successful homeownership.

The MoxiCloud open platform, which allows for full integration and data exchange, includes MoxiWorks tools as well as other best-in-class tools & services. This empowers brokerages to pick and choose which solutions are best for their unique business. HomeKeepr will be integrated into the MoxiCloud, the first true open platform in the real estate industry as MoxiWorks continues to grow to be the biggest partner program across the industry.

“We are continuously inventing new technology tools to help real estate professionals enhance their reputation as trusted real estate experts and to make their marketing efforts seamless and convenient,” said Rob Morelli, CEO of HomeKeepr. “Integrating with the popular and effective MoxiWorks platform allows their national network of agents and brokers to get started quickly by creating a HomeKeepr profile and to begin inviting their clients to HomeKeepr when they are likely to need HomeKeepr most – around the time of a home move or relocation.”

Morelli added, “HomeKeepr will also work with MoxiWorks to install the very popular HomeKeepr Widgets on MoxiWebsites. Agents embed these content-rich widgets to keep visitors on their own websites longer and to make their website a post-transaction destination for home maintenance and management needs.”

About HomeKeepr
HomeKeepr is the nation’s only home services online marketplace powered entirely by real referrals from real people. HomeKeepr achieves this by capturing the word-of-mouth recommendations that take place every day between real estate agents and their clients. Through partnerships with trusted companies like Keller Williams and eXp Realty, and now MoxiWorks, more than 130,000 agents nationwide use HomeKeepr to recommend professionals from painters and plumbers to lenders and lawyers. Based in New Jersey, HomeKeepr represents the quantum leap approach needed to connect and support local economies and to evolve the $400 billion U.S. home service sector, regenerate the livelihood of local real estate agents, and to help local communities thrive in the digital age. For more information, visit www.homekeepr.com.

About MoxiWorks
MoxiWorks is a comprehensive open platform system for large residential real estate brokerages that serves over 120,000 agents and 72 brokerages nationwide. MoxiWorks’ integrated tools are centered on sphere methodology that increases agents’ repeat and referral business by 40%, while lowering overall technology, training, and support costs for the brokerage. Named one of the 10 Best Cloud Solution Providers of 2018 by Industry Era, the open platform known as the MoxiCloud has tools from more than 40 partners that plug and play to create unique brokerage solutions. MoxiWorks also powers the LeadingRE Cloud. Find more information at moxiworks.com.






Tiana Baur
For MoxiWorks


Jody Privette Young
For HomeKeepr
1 (415) 328-4700

Meeting with Clients November 1, 2018

Why You Need to Change Real Estate Presentations on the Fly

By Tiana Baur, Content Marketing Manager


Meeting Prospects: Make it a Conversation, Not a Presentation

It’s hard to act as a trusted advisor when meeting with clients and prospects if you don’t know the answer to client questions or worse yet – can’t look them up (we can’t all know everything). And when you’re giving real estate presentations to potential clients, the trusted advisor perception becomes even more important.

That’s why the ability to change and update your real estate presentations on the fly is an absolute must. MoxiPresent, our interactive CMA and presentation tool allows you to do just that. Below are some of the many ways MoxiPresent allows you to be agile in front of clients – without the mad scramble.

Make changes on the fly/add in new data

Did your prospects’ neighbor’s house just go on the market this morning, but you made the presentation yesterday? No problem. You can add in or take away homes on the fly while you’re sitting next to your potential clients. This is a great way to showcase how nimble you are as an agent and your presentation will become more of a conversation than a presentation, which is the ultimate goals.

Edit the remarks

Did you know you can edit the listing remarks in your presentations? While the normal remarks are most often just fine, that doesn’t mean they’re tailored to your prospective buyer or seller. If it’s a buyer presentation, edit the remarks towards what you know they’re looking to buy. Does it have enough bedrooms? Is it close to a school? Put all the info you want them to see first in the remarks, that way they’re front and center and your guidance becomes invaluable. If they’re a seller, edit to the remarks to showcase how their house ranks compared to others.

Up-to-date MLS data

Okay, this one is awesome because agents don’t actually have to make any changes here. With MoxiPresent, MLS data is always up-to-date. You never have to worry again when walking into a potential client meeting because all property data will be updated the second you click that presentation link.

In many ways, MoxiPresent is the shoes to your outfit. While it might feel like a great real estate presentation can make or break a meeting, what’s more vital is how you come across as a whole. MoxiPresent is special because it puts the agent in the spotlight, allowing them to be the star of the show, winning clients over time and time again. Honestly, what’s better than that?

Find out more about MoxiPresent here.

Sphere MarketingTips and Tricks October 30, 2018

4 Efficient Ways to Organize Client Contacts

By Maddie Jostol, Senior Marketing Manager

Organize your real estate client contactsYour database of contacts is only as good as the data you put in. It is absolutely vital for real estate agents to keep their database up-to-date, complete, and well segmented in order to get full value out of it. Segmentation enables you to group your contacts based on requirements that fit your sales process. Reach the right people, with the right message, at the right time.

In MoxiEngage, for example, we call them Groups. Associate your contacts with certain groups so that you can effectively filter your database, include groups in marketing campaigns, or reach out to certain segments.

Below are four efficient ways to organize clients contacts in order to keep your database neat and tidy and reap all of its benefits.

1. How you know them

Have a bunch of contacts from your son’s years of playing select soccer? Or from the charity auction you help plan every year? Or maybe from that sewing class you go to occasionally? Whatever it is, consider grouping contacts based on how you know them. Not only will this jog your memory and help you keep track of the hundreds of people in your sphere, but it will also enable you to plan events that gather these like-minded people together, since most of them will know each other as well.

2. Interests

When you group people based on common interests, you can keep them engaged in ways that matter to them. Group together your dog lovers, your baseball fanatics, and those who like to fish. This way, you can send them tailored content that is relevant to them and their lives. When you go to host meet-ups or local events, you’ll know exactly who to invite, by reaching out to your groups with relevant interests.

3. Likeliness to buy

If you want a more fluid system, organize client contacts based on where they are in your sales funnel. Most agents already have a system in place, whether it’s a 1-2-3, A-B-C, or hot-warm-cold system. The key here is that you have to be committed to keeping your database updated and squeaky clean. This type of system only works if you keep these groups updated, so you’re sending the right people the right information. Nobody wants to receive a “have you considered selling?” email from an agent they just purchased a house with.

4. Past clients

This is your starting lineup. These are the people who are in your camp. They’re your biggest fans, who you should take particularly good care of. When you purchase a table at a charity event and can invite six people – this is the group you go to first. Or, when you host a community event, you add these people to the Facebook event invite because you know they’ll get everyone else excited about it. When you need new testimonials for your website, these are the people who are more than willing to take a few minutes to talk about their experience working with you.

Keeping in touch with your past clients is a vital piece to growing your repeat and referral business. When you have a well-organized, up-to-date database, your life as a real estate agent becomes infinitely more simple. Your marketing efforts go further and you see more engagement from your sphere of influence. After all, your sphere is the future of your business, so make sure you show it some care.

Sphere Marketing October 26, 2018

6 Ways to Engage with Your Sphere This Fall

By Jessie Trapp, Marketing Coordinator 

sphere engagement header imageAh, fall. The time of the year when it suddenly becomes socially acceptable (if not encouraged) to drink pumpkin spiced lattes with virtually every meal as we all helplessly watch our timelines get taken over by “throwing leaves” pics.

Aside from the pumpkin overload and sweater weather, fall also brings tons of new opportunities to engage with your sphere. Here are a few fall inspired ideas to kick-start your sphere marketing this season!

Treat or treat. Leave out the tricks and go straight for the treats. Hosting an open house? Better serve up some pumpkin pies or leaf-shaped cookies to spice it up. We could pretend that we’re all talented enough at baking to pull this one off on our own, but we’re not, so here’s a Pinterest page for some quality fall dessert inspiration.

Provide the swag. Fall sports are in full swing, which means that parents are dropping some serious cash on new gear for their kids. Consider taking the edge off by sponsoring a children’s sports team and buying them some swag (sweatshirts, water bottles, after-game snacks, etc.) Take it a step further and purchase branded blankets for the parents who spend countless chilly fall nights sitting in the bleachers. It’s a great opportunity to grow your sphere while creating a positive association with your brand from the get-go.

Give the ugly pumpkins some love. People get strangely into pumpkins this time of year, so why not have some fun with it? Host a competition for who can find the funkiest looking pumpkin. Have them send you pictures and feature the winner on your social media! Not only is something fun and different, but it’s an excuse to drive engagement that goes both ways.

Do some good. Take on the cold weather by hosting your own event to collect warm coats, hats, and gloves for those in need. It’s a great way to give back to your community while also engaging with your sphere in a positive way. Don’t forget to spread the word about your event on your blog, social media and monthly newsletter!

Up your photography game. With fall comes beautiful landscapes and an abundance of vibrant colors. Highlight the season by hiring a local high school photographer to capture some fresh Insta-worthy images. It’s a great way to mix up your content with a seasonal vibe that your audience will love, without breaking the bank.

Share the DIYs. The world of DIY (Do it Yourself) goes absolutely bonkers during this time of year. If you try any DIY costume or decoration making, document it on your social media – even if it turns out to be a comedic DIY fail. Keep your eyes out for any sharable home decorating how-to articles that your clients will love!