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MoxiWorks March 16, 2018

This tool is revolutionizing the way managers recruit

By Tiana Baur

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We recently announced the launch of Moxi Talent, our new tool for managers and recruiters, to help them do their jobs more efficiently, providing them with much more information right at their fingertips. It’s designed to execute based on goal-setting, automation, and a consistent methodology to attract and hire agents.

Built on Moxi Engage

Moxi Talent guides recruiters and managers through the recruiting process not unlike a CRM. In fact, Moxi Talent was built on the core of Moxi Engage, our CRM and productivity tool. Moxi Talent requires managers and recruiters to set their goals before taking any other action. The goals are used by the system to keep managers focused on a disciplined methodology, despite the noise of daily office life, especially for those with an open-door policy.

Engage, it’s foundation, increases agent production by an average of 38%, so the outlook for Moxi Talent is extremely promising. The task manager helps managers and recruiters take the correct action at the correct time. The tasks include anything from posting to the target agent’s LinkedIn profile or taking the time to attend a few more broker’s opens each month. For users that also have Moxi Present, it might suggest sending the agent an interactive CMA to show them the power of the tools your agents have access to, to do their jobs more efficiently and effectively.

moxi talent recruiting tool

Identify who to recruit

Not only does Talent walk you through successfully getting an all-star agent into your office, but it also tells you who these agents are, and which ones will help you reach your goals. It also prioritizes your tasks, so you’re focusing on the ones that could really count vs. ones you’d like to have in the fold.

And in the very near future, you can get even better insights. Let’s say you have a goal of $1M more in sales volume this year for your office. You’ll be able to see sales volume for the agents you’re going after, making it obvious who will get the job done.

Retain your existing agents

Recruiting is important, but it’s only a piece of the puzzle. Retention is just as important (as you know) for your brokerage as recruiting is. Moxi Talent will help you connect with all of your existing agents, making sure they’re happy and not looking elsewhere.

Although Moxi Talent is currently in Beta, you can get your brokerage signed up to be part of the early bird program here.