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December 20, 2018

MoxiFund 2018: Giving Back the Moxi Way

MoxiFund Giving Tree header imageFor Moxians, 2018 was filled with many successes, both inside and outside the office. Specifically, it was a year where we all had the opportunity to give back to our community and make an impact.


We have a proud history of the “give back” attitude. Over the years, we’ve raised over $100K for local charities. For example, this year we released $15,000 to the Pike Place Market Foundation and $2,900 to Ryther House. And of course, we have our own holiday traditions as well. Each year we put up the Moxi Giving Tree to give local families what they need most this season.


In addition, we recently expanded our volunteer program beyond our annual all-company volunteer days to include small team events so our employees can get out into the community more often. Here’s an excerpt from our latest Moxi volunteering event at Northwest Harvest Cherry Street Food Bank from our Senior Payroll/HR Specialist, William Linafelter:


“One of the coolest facts about Northwest Harvest, is that they do not require people to show any ID to receive food, which we were told during our initial briefing. If you’re hungry, you get fed. No questions asked. The line for food sometimes goes up the block and around the corner, so the goal in 2019 is to provide enough meals to feed every seat in CenturyLink Field 27 times.

moxifund volunteering The weather was pretty chilly the day we volunteered, and our team was stationed outside. (Thank goodness for jackets!) Skyler Garrison (Quality Assurance Engineer) was in charge of onions and the most essential of human needs, toilet paper. Jennifer Williams (UX Designer) was in command of celery, turnips and other vegetables. Leading the most popular station of all (apples and pears) was Jessie Trapp (Marketing Coordinator). Ali Lundberg (Data Analyst) helped the packaging team bag oatmeal. I was standing at the very end of the line with the acorn squash and the kale, which tended to have more of a “take as much as you need” mentality.

All in all, an eventful morning as we tried to help our neighbors!”


If you’d like to support Northwest Harvest financially, they are conducting a Home Team Harvest in the month of December. Stop by your local Safeway or Albertsons and purchase one of their hunger bags of groceries!


“Think global, act local” is an important mantra at MoxiWorks. Whether it’s payroll deductions that go to the MoxiFund or our community service days, we can’t wait to see how we can make a difference in 2019!

moxifund team spirit