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Open Platform July 23, 2018

Introducing: HomeActions Email Marketing

A complete email marketing system to keep your agent’s pipelines full.

We’re stoked to introduce our newest Moxi Cloud partner, HomeActions! We’ve partnered with HomeActions to provide an easy email marketing solution to our client brokerages. Not only is their tool intuitive, it instantly turns agent’s email marketing efforts into a goldmine.

What is HomeActions Email Marketing?

HomeActions is an e-Relationship platform that starts out as an e-newsletter but ends up as a flawless conversation starter and lead-gen system with the help of their amazing content and tools.

The Ultimate Email Marketing Database

HomeActions helps your agents consolidate their contacts and create their very own exclusive marketing database.

Extensive Metrics

HomeActions provides extensive metrics for their e-newsletters. See when someone opens the newsletter, clicks a link and get immediate feedback as readers respond to how well they liked a given article.

Knowing who is engaging with what content makes it easy to know who to direct your marketing efforts at and who you should pick up the phone and call asap.

In-Demand Content & Widgets

HomeActions delivers content and articles your readers will love that triggers predictive behavior. They drive traffic to an agent’s CMA request page and even works with TrendGraphix reports!

Neighborhood 360

Neighborhood 360 is their newest feature. Recipients can get the “Inside Scoop” on any neighborhood they wish. Home value estimates, cost of living data, demographics, lifestyle data, school info, nearby sold properties, and so much more. This widget covers 150 million street addresses and neighborhoods!

MoxiWorks Integration

HomeActions is integrated into the Moxi Cloud and streamlines an agent’s day-to-day with their Moxi Engage CRM.

Think of HomeActions as the frosting and cherry on top of Engage. It gives the agent the ability to upload their exclusive HomeActions database into their email in the correct format to connect to MoxiWorks tools. That means their CRM and email marketing efforts just got a whole lot sweeter.

Find out more about HomeActions here and read the official press release here.