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News MoxiWorks Partners and Clients Fill 2019 Swanepoel Power 200 List MoxiWorks is honored to have York Baur, our CEO, be recognized as an industry leader in the 2019 Swanepoel Power 200, which “ranks the most powerful leaders in the residential real estate brokerage industry,” as published by T360. Along with MoxiWorks, many of our brilliant clients and partners were featured on the list as well. […]
In Case You Missed It: December 2018 Real Estate News By Jessie Trapp, Marketing Coordinator & Tiana Baur, Content Marketing Manager Does anyone else feel like they blinked, and an entire year passed? It’s hard to believe another year has come and gone, but we’re excited for all sorts of fun new products and good Moxi stuff to hit the market in 2019! However, we […]
In Case You Missed It: Real Estate News November 2018 By Jessie Trapp, Marketing Coordinator & Tiana Baur, Content Marketing Manager Another whirlwind month in the world of real estate. Lots of turkey has been had and new trends have emerged. Like always, we want to help you sort through all of the noise and find the news that will impact or has impacted our […]
In Case You Missed It: September 2018 By Jessie Trapp, Marketing Coordinator & Tiana Baur, Content Marketing Manager Ladies and gentlemen, it’s finally Fall. That means we can spend more time focusing on hitting our Q4 goals and less time sitting in our own sweat – hooray! September was chalk-full of events and news stories that impacted the real estate industry, so […]
Meeting with Clients Examining California’s New Solar Power Requirement and What it Means for Buyers By Jessie Trapp, Marketing Coordinator California has long been known as a trendsetter within the realm of green energy, but it recently had a “mic drop” moment that could set the tone for the future of renewable energy integration in homes. That moment took place during May of 2018, when the Golden State became the […]
In Case You Missed It: August 2018 By Jessie Trapp, Marketing Coordinator & Tiana Baur, Content Marketing Manager  Summer is coming to an end and I think most of us are excited for it to cool down (but also for the holidays, sweaters, and an excuse to go to bed a little bit earlier). August was another exciting month for all of us […]
The July Roundup: News to Know By Jessie Trapp, Marketing Coordinator & Tiana Baur, Content Marketing Manager  This month has been a bit of a whirlwind. In just several weeks we’ve had Inman Connect, tons of tech news, and some announcements that continue to elevate industry pressures on a very real level. A lot of the news has been “hype” and had […]
News Doomsday Preppers: How to Get Ready for Future Tech Changes By Jessie Trapp, Marketing Coordinator Technology is advancing at a rate that can be overwhelming, confusing, and downright scary. As an agent, you need to be able to keep up with the technology changes happening around you in order to be competitive and grow your business. There are massive shifts happening in real estate, some […]
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MoxiWorks To Worry or Not to Worry: Blockchain’s Role in Real Estate By Tiana Baur, Content Marketing Manager  Blockchain, Bitcoin, cryptocurrencies…what’s the difference? Why does it matter? What does it mean for our future? It feels like the topic of the year regardless of the industry you’re in. Earlier in the year we wrote an article on cryptocurrencies in the real estate world; buying homes and paying […]
Get Off My Transaction! What Zillow’s Latest House-flipping Announcement Means for Brokers By York Baur, CEO of MoxiWorks Zillow Group, Inc. (NASDAQ: Z) (NASDAQ: ZG) announced they’re expanding Zillow Instant Offers to compete directly with OpenDoor and other Instant Offers companies – and that for the first time, Zillow itself will be buying homes from consumers and reselling them. So, what does this mean for brokers? Two […]
Does Your Compass Point True North? By Nick Van Valkenberg, Director of Business Development, MoxiWorks When lost, a compass is used to help you find your way, but what is a compass used for when you are already on the path to success? Could a compass force you to look in the wrong direction? Is there a need for a compass […]
News Bitcoin or Bust: Buying homes & paying rent with digital currency By Tiana Baur “Bitcoin accepted.” A not-so-strange note to see anymore. Digital currency, or cryptocurrency, is hot and some of those in real estate are now using it to appeal to young renters. That means saying goodbye to mailing checks and hello to using an API that converts a digital currency payment into U.S. dollars. […]
News Robot real estate agents, bitcoin, and VR in 2018 By Tiana Baur The next time you purchase a car, it very well might be a self-driving one. It’s a headline our eyes now only glance at because we’ve seen it so many times and it’s only a matter of time before it comes to fruition. We’re not only okay with that technology, we’re jazzed […]
Meeting with Clients Questions about Zestimates? Pick up the phone. By Tiana Baur We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again, Zestimates are the bane of being in the real estate business. They’re the unfortunate misfire in a consumer lead industry and that bell can’t be un-wrung. When reports came out that a Zestimate for a home was 700 percent off, it wasn’t surprising; […]
RE/MAX just bought booj. Are you prepared for what’s next? By York Baur, MoxiWorks CEO 2018 is looking to be the year of the mic drop. With the LeadingRE’s Cloud announcement recently behind us, subsequently comes another. RE/MAX acquired technology company, booj, in order to future-proof their stake in the industry. First of all, congrats to booj for this epic announcement and sale, it’s what […]
Open Platform Compass: What Goes Up, Must Come Down By York Baur, CEO of Moxi Works If you’re reading this, you have no doubt seen the news about Softbank (the world’s largest tech investment fund) investing $450 Million into the tech brokerage Compass – emphasis on the brokerage. This morning I sent out a note to all of our employees here at Moxi Works, […]
Agents Using Moxi Present Enjoyed 43% More Business in 2016 43?! No way. That number may come as a shock to some, but we can prove it. Moxi Present is an industry-leading CMA and presentation tool with a very high adoption rate. It’s a tool that allows agents to easily create seller, buyer, and open house presentations. They are MLS-connected, updated to the minute and […]
Why You Should Be Concerned About the Redfin IPO York Baur – CEO, Moxi Works Redfin went public last week, raising well over $100M at a valuation of $1.5B. That’s what all the media is focused on, but what does it mean to you the brokerage owner?     The bad news is that you should be concerned. Redfin has deep pockets, deep technology, […]
MoxiWorks Zestimate Accuracy Far Cry From Power of Professional Consultants While the idea behind Zestimates® seemed awesome for homeowners, it’s entirely frustrating for agents and often ends up disappointing their clients with inaccurate pricing forecasts. Even though Zestimates know a home’s approximate size and location, there are many factors they don’t take into account. That is why homeowners need to hire a real estate agent […]
What “Free” Websites Mean for Your Brokerage Value Proposition We all heard the roar coming from NAR (National Association of Realtors) yesterday, who announced they will now be offering free Placester websites. In the past, these have been offered for $5 bucks a pop, but now are completely “free.” The problem is, free doesn’t always mean free, and this news puts a big dent […]