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MoxiWorks April 14, 2021

Find a Partner – Not Just a Tech Vendor


It happens too often … brokers come to us frustrated and exhausted, stuck in a contract with a tech vendor that promised them the world but fell short. Even if their technology is cutting it, they aren’t getting the service they need or deserve. Technology companies often see themselves as vendors rather than true partners to their clients.


That’s not the case at MoxiWorks.


Customer service is deeply rooted in how we operate. People expect good customer service, remember excellent customer service, and never forget terrible customer service. We understand that it is fundamental to ensuring that our clients are long-term, successful customers of ours. That is why at MoxiWorks, your success is our success.


Success with MoxiWorks


The two largest groups that ensure our clients are successful are our Account Management and Customer Success teams. The Account Management team is our client’s main point of contact and trusted business advisors, providing valuable guidance and support for our suite of tools and partner services. They gain an understanding of our client’s organization, their business drivers, and their service needs, providing a delivery plan that ensures their success with MoxiWorks’ suite of services. The Customer Success team is responsible for ensuring that our clients are wildly successful while using MoxiWorks. They offer several different channels for clients to get assistance including chat, scheduled call, email and help center.


Said best by our Manager of Customer Success and well-seasoned MoxiWorks employee, Nathan Losch, “Our team can help MoxiWorks users maximize the effectiveness of our products, increase adoption of the technology, and reduce the number of users who abandon the technology.”


Our Philosophy Behind Customer Service


Nathan explains that “MoxiWorks wants every interaction with our team to have the result of the requester being in a better situation than before contacting us. Maybe that means coaching on how to use the product. Maybe it means handling something for somebody. Maybe that means getting a bug reported and scheduled or referring the requester to the appropriate party who can help them if we cannot. We want to make it as easy as possible for the agent to successfully use our system to sell more homes.”


I am sure you have heard the quote by Maya Angelou “at the end of the day people won’t remember what you said or did, they will remember how you made them feel.” We believe that to be true, especially in customer service. We want to make sure that MoxiWorks users always feel supported and never feel overwhelmed or frustrated.


The Proof is in the Data


Our Customer Success team has worked hard to maintain an astounding customer support satisfaction rating of 90% or higher over the last year and continue to do so as reported in a satisfaction poll sent to every single agent that uses our support. This means that at least 9 times out of 10, agents are leaving their experience with Customer Success feeling great about what they learned and accomplished. As a brokerage, that means your agents are continually seeing the value of your technology investment, and in turn, your investment in their success. When you compare this to the industry average customer support satisfaction rating of 78%, it is clear that with MoxiWorks, your agents won’t ever want to try to go elsewhere.


And it’s not just agents. Brokerages who choose MoxiWorks stay with MoxiWorks. Our customer retention rate stands proudly at 97%. Yes, 97% of our customers who have joined forces with MoxiWorks have stayed with us. Our clients see us as a true partner and we see our clients as customers for life, evolving with them and addressing the ever-changing needs of the industry. Rolling out new technology is never a desirable task for a brokerage or any business for that matter. With MoxiWorks, you can find ease knowing that you have found a technology partner for life.


On top of all of this, MoxiWorks is really proud of our Net Promoter Score (NPS). NPS is the world’s leading metric for measuring customer satisfaction and loyalty. It is designed to gauge how willing a customer is to recommend a product or service to others. We actively measure our NPS of key stakeholders and have an NPS of 54, significantly higher than the industry average of 26. This is measured by asking customers the question “on a sale of 0 to 10, how likely is it that you would recommend our organization to a friend or colleague?” If they answer 0-6, they are detractors, if they answer 7-8, they are passives, and if they answer 9-10, they are promoters. Then, take the percentage of responders that were detractors and subtract it from the percentage of responders that were promoters, and you will have you NPS score. MoxiWorks customers are not just satisfied with their service, but the vast majority of them would recommend MoxiWorks to a friend or colleague as well.


The Process


So how does it all come together for our clients? First comes our ‘Engagement Cookbook’ and onboarding. According to Bill Yaman, our VP of Customer Engagement, this process “has been refined over the years as a result of hundreds of onboarding engagements. It is a multi-phase process with one overriding principle– we are successful together only if the Moxi team really understands your business requirements and becomes an extension of your brand, training methodology, and marketing team. Moxi onboarding is not a ‘one size fits all’ model. Rather, it will vary based on business need, product requirements, geography, etc.”


Also, during this time, our Training and Creative Services teams are working alongside Account Management to ensure all-around success with onboarding, launch, and ongoing adoption. Training will develop curriculums based on a client’s needs and market while Creative Services will work as an extension of our clients’ marketing teams ensuring their content is beautiful and impactful.


Next, once MoxiWorks services are launched, the Account Management team will continue their involvement to ensure that agent adoption and success continues. Shared by Bill Yaman, “we have brokerages that have been clients for five years and we are still holding weekly or bi-weekly meetings with them. That is fundamentally how we achieve 97% customer retention – which is unrivaled in the industry. If you exclude customers that signed on with us in the past year, our average customer has been with us between four and five years.”


Once clients are onboarded, they are also able to utilize our Customer Success team. As mentioned before, assistance can be found via chat, scheduled call, email or help center. Nathan added, “our representatives do not have a numerical or time-based quota; they will help you for as long as it takes.”


At MoxiWorks, customer is key. If our customers are successful, we are successful. When a brokerage chooses us, they aren’t just getting a robust platform of tools to level up their real estate business, they are also getting a team of rock stars to assist and guide them along the way.

MoxiWorks February 3, 2021

2020 in Retrospect: What we learned & what we are bringing with us

“It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is most adaptable to change.”   -Charles Darwin


At MoxiWorks, these are the words that we survived by in 2020. As everything we once knew and functioned by was being uprooted, we decided to remain flexible and adaptable to those changes, and because of that, we didn’t just survive, but we saw success.


I asked some fellow Moxians what lessons they are bringing into 2021 from the past year and here are their responses:


Tiana Symmonds- MoxiWorks Inside Sales Manager

Tiana Symmonds – Inside Sales Manager

“The biggest thing I learned from 2020 is to control what I can control and ignore everything else. In 2020 I didn’t have control over a lot of things; my wedding plans changing, my marathon getting canceled, etc. But I did have control over my attitude, how hard I could work, and how grateful I am for my tribe. I have control over what NOT to worry about.”


Daniel Bailey – Senior Account Manager Daniel Bailey, MoxiWorks Senior Account Manager

“One thing that I am taking with me into 2021 is my attention to my mental health and how work-life balance is when working from home and taking on additional responsibilities such as my kid’s schooling. It is important to commit to self-care for not just me but my kids. Whether that means going for a walk, watching funny TikToks or just disconnecting from work at an appropriate time.”


June Laves MoxiWorks Senior Marketing ManagerJune Laves – Senior Marketing Manager

“The beauty of life is that there is no ‘normal’ setting, it will always keep going and changing and we need to keep changing and growing. From last year, there are two key lessons that are now more than ever sticking with me: In every opportunity, we must always try to choose to be brave. In every action, we must always choose to be kind. I point everyone to check out Reshma Saujani’s book Brave, Not Perfect.


2020 was the perfect reminder to myself to choose to be brave even when things seem out of control, and especially when things seem uncertain or unpredictable. When facing the pandemic, there is no step-by-step guide that says exactly what to do. As an industry, we had to keep customers informed and safe and the economy strong. As a team, we stepped up to creatively respond to our client’s needs. Myself personally, choosing bravery meant rolling with the punches, staying optimistic, and taking time to check in with my personal and my family’s needs. Being brave was actively reminding myself that current events are tough and that surviving, and thriving aren’t about being the ‘perfect Moxian’ or the ‘best auntie’ or the ‘stoic spouse’ it is about being authentically ourselves in all we do.


When we choose to be brave, we must also brace that action with our ability to choose kindness. There are many examples throughout current events where others have demonstrated how not to be kind and how selfishness never wins in the end. Kindness is demonstrated in sympathy, in empathy, and in taking action.”


Bill Yaman MoxiWorks VP of Customer ExperienceBill Yaman – VP of Customer Experience

“As we enter 2021, all of the new processes that we developed in 2020 is enabling the customer engagement teams to fire on all cylinders, even from home. In addition, I am taking into 2021 more patience than I had at the beginning of 2020. We all have our own unique circumstances that we are dealing with and it is important to take a deep breath and give grace to each other, especially during trying times.”


Georgia Perez MoxiWorksa VP of Business Development & Product EvangelismGeorgia Perez – VP of Business Development & Product Evangelism

“The lesson that I am carrying forward is gratitude and appreciation. Appreciate what you have as so much of our time is spent striving, that we often fail to look around at how blessed we already are. Appreciate the people in your life as nothing makes you aware of how much the people in your life mean to you than being completely separated from them for a year. Appreciate your impact on others as it is a personal choice each day to be a force for good or bad and whether it is wearing a mask, a kind word, or a simple act of kindness, it can be a true blessing to take our focus off ourselves. This has been a season of loss for many whether it was a loss of a loved one, a job or connection to others, we can help to bridge those hardships through awareness and concern for those around us. Over the last year I have watched everyone in our organization strive to be a blessing to their co-workers and clients. We have been more connected than ever in many ways and some of those efforts extend even beyond work such as virtual happy hours and games and it is a blessing to be here.”


York Baur MoxiWorks CEOYork Baur – CEO

“Some situations, like a pandemic, bring the grit out in people as they are forced outside of their comfort zone and into change. In 2021 it should not take being forced outside our comfort zone to bring out the best of ourselves. We are always capable of more than we think we are, we just have to believe in ourselves and create our own change proactively.”



What lessons did you learn?

2020, although exceedingly difficult to experience at times, gave us so many lessons to learn and take with us into 2021. Even though I am sure we would all like to pretend 2020 never happened and wipe our memory of it, I challenge you to look back and take note of all that you learned so that it can transform into wisdom and success for you in your future. Here’s to 2021!