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Open PlatformOpen PlatformOpen PlatformOpen PlatformOpen Platform August 28, 2019

5 Ways Our New Integration with Buyside Will Rock Your World

By Jessie Trapp, Marketing Coordinator 


Buyside IntegrationLooking for another way to gain a competitive edge? Always. Thanks to our latest integration, users of Buyside and MoxiPresent will have the capability to impress clients, appear tech savvy, transact more often, and one-up competition every step of the way.

The award-winning presentation builder, MoxiPresent, is already helping agents across the country do 43% more transactions per year. And now, we’re combining our superpowers with Buyside to do something no one else in the industry is doing – adding innovative Buyer Market Analysis report functionality to a powerhouse presentation builder.

Here are five ways our deepened integration with our certified partner, Buyside, will rock your real estate world:

1. Create on-the-fly Buyer Market Analysis reports.

Gone are the days of copying & pasting Buyer Market Analysis (BMA) reports into your listing presentations. This new integration allows you to include a powerful, real-time BMA report directly in your MoxiPresent presentation the moment you have a seller interested in your services.

2. Facilitate meaningful discussions.

Buyer Market Analysis reports allow you to answer two major questions each and every one of your sellers has:

  1. What is my home worth?
  2. Are you confident you’ll be able to find buyers for it?

With the data provided in these reports, you’ll be able to have meaningful discussions surrounding these questions with your clients during listing presentations using up-to-date, local data.

3. Introduce your clients to qualified buyers.

Don’t just tell your clients you have buyers interested in their listing, show them. Go above and beyond by handing your clients a list of unique, qualified buyers actively looking for a home like theirs in the area.

4. Illustrate the demand.

Ease any worries your sellers have about factors such as transaction speed and price with the help of the a clear, easily digestible buyer heat map. This will illustrate where the buyer demand is concentrated in their area in relation to their home and add context to any related estimations you provide them with.

5. Demonstrate the power behind you and your brokerage.

Sending potential clients these BMA reports will demonstrate the abundance of potential buyers that are actively engaging with your brokerage. Having this confidence as they begin working with you will ease many of the fears associated with selling a home, particularly for first-time sellers.

6. Offer something competing agents can’t.

The average person knows approximately ten real estate agents. Chances you become the agent they choose to work with after sending an informational, data-driven report enabled by this integration are high. The more pain-free and simple you’re able to paint the picture of selling a home, the more clients will feel inclined to work with you!

There are countless benefits that come with being part of an open platform, including the ability to grow and innovate over time. This deepened integration with Buyside is a perfect example of how partnering with other best-of-breed vendors allows us to set the bar high and keep our clients competitive in the long-run, regardless of what changes come our way.

Want to see more on our Buyside + MoxiPresent integration? Checkout the video below!