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March 18, 2019

20 Questions: A Man for Our Clients, A Man with Moxi

Get to know Daniel Bailey, Senior Account Manager at MoxiWorks!

By Bryn Yasui, Customer Support Specialist at MoxiWorks

Daniel BaileyAt the MoxiWorks headquarters in Downtown Seattle, you can always catch Daniel Bailey on the phone with a client giving his all to help their agents with what we have to offer them. In his role, Daniel demonstrates outstanding communication skills to brokerage partners every single day. With our employees, like Daniel and his hardworking team of Account Managers, agents are able to utilize MoxiWorks’ products as smoothly and painless as possible through training, answering queries, and creating business relationships.

It goes without saying that every single individual here at MoxiWorks is unique in their own way. We decided to take a moment to dive deeper into Daniel’s charismatic nature, who he is, and how his personality correlates with his ambitious work ethic.

1. How long have you been at MoxiWorks?

6 Years this summer.

2. What do you do at MoxiWorks?

I am a Senior Account Manager!

3. What’s your favorite MoxiWorks product and why?

My favorite product in the entire suite is MoxiPresent! Simply, it helps agents win more listings. Present can do so much from Lead-gen to personal marketing. It’s a powerful tool agents can use to help themselves stand out from the crowd.

4. What’s your philosophy in life?

“If you are not first, you’re last!” I’m kidding, “Above all things, be sure to laugh.”

5. Where are you from originally?

Charlotte, North Carolina

6. What’s your favorite movie?

Pulp Fiction

7. What’s your favorite thing about MoxiWorks?

I would have to say the people I work with. They are some of the most intelligent and dedicated people I have ever had the pleasure of working with. We have built a great culture and it’s one of the reasons I love coming to work every day!

8. What’s the best part of your job?

Being able to help our brokerage partners solve some of their pain points by leveraging our products and services. I find the most fulfillment when agents tell me how much their business has improved or when they have the “aha!” moment and realize this stuff actually works!

9. What is your greatest accomplishment so far at MoxiWorks?

Helping one of our brokerages see a 316% increase in agent productivity! That doesn’t happen by accident. That happens through strong partnership, setting goals, & and executing to perfection.

10. Would you consider yourself an introvert or an extrovert?

I’m an extrovert. I like to live out loud and try to make everyone I meet smile or laugh.

11. What keeps you at this company?

The team I work with & clients I serve. Each day I’m challenged to think more strategically to help our clients solve their pain points. There’s never a dull moment.

12. What are your biggest pet peeves?

That’s tough because I have a few. The biggest I would say is when someone begins to tell you something then they say… “I’ll tell you later.” UGH!

13. What’s your favorite past time activity?

Spending time with children.

14. What was your first job ever?

My first job was flipping burgers at a local burger joint, “Herfy’s Hamburgers.”

15. What piqued your interest about MoxiWorks in the first place?

It was the job posting that drew me to want to work for MoxiWorks. The posting was so funny I laughed audibly while reading it. Then when I had my first phone interview, I was sold! The hiring manager and I must have talked and laughed for nearly an hour.

16. What is your favorite food?

Asian food! Hands down. I’m from the South, the home of good food, but give me some General Tso’s any day of the week!

17. What does your ideal day off look like?

Errands, errands, and more errands. I start off making my way to grocery store, then cooking a big breakfast for the family, then working on some project at my house or tinkering with one of my cars.

18. How would you describe your work ethic?

I work very hard. Often, I’m told too hard. My goal is to exceed my client’s expectations by giving more in value than I expect in payment. That value is my time, attention, & responsiveness. It is that client experience that keeps them with us year over year.

19. How do you think technology has developed a role in real estate within the past decade?

Over the last decade, technology has completely changed real estate. In years to come, technology will touch every part of a real estate transaction. One thing that will not change is the human element. Contrary to popular belief, real estate is still a people business, and people still need an agent to help them through the transaction experience. You bet your bottom dollar that MoxiWorks will be there to power the agent to do so!

20. What is your biggest challenge at the moment?

My biggest challenge at the moment is to decide what to get my 16-year-old for his birthday. Any suggestions?